10 minute read


 The Non-Cooperation Movement under Gandhi was in full

swing during the Viceroyalty of

(a) Chelmsford

(b) Irwin

(c) Reading

(d) Hardinge

Ans: (c)

302. A resolution declaring 'Purna Swaraj' was passed in the

Congress Session held at

(a) Lahore

(b) Calcutta

(c) Gaya

(d) Haripura

Ans: (a)

303. SN Banerjee was appointed Professor in English in the

Metropolitan Institute at

(a) Bombay

(b) Madras

(c) Calcutta

(d) Bangalore

Ans: (c)

304. Tilak started his career as a

(a) Writer

(b) Professor

(c) Journalist

(d) Lawyer

Ans: (b)

305. The Hindu of Madras started in 1868 as a weekly, became a

Daily in

(a) 1889

(b) 1899

(c) 1890

(d) 1855

Ans: (a)

306. The Indian National Congress was founded in the year

(a) 1958

(b) 1977

(c) 1885

(d) 1909

Ans: (c)

307. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Kesari 1. 1921

B. Maharatta 2. 1893

C. Ganapathi Festival 3. English Journal

D. Moplah Rebellion 4. Marathi Journal





(a) 4 3 2 1

(b) 1 2 3 4

(c) 2 3 4 1

(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (a)

308. According to _____ the Mutiny was a purely military


(a) VD Sarkar

(b) VASmith

(c) Sir John Lawrence

(d) Roberts

Ans: (c)

309. Wahabis were ______ fanatics.

(a) Hindu

(b) Muslim

(c) Christian

(d) Sikh

Ans: (b)

310. A Royal Commission on the Public Service was appointed in

the year

(a) 1912

(b) 1915

(c) 1910

(d) 1918

Ans: (a)



311. A resolution declaring Purna Swaraj (complete

Independence as Indian's political goal was passed in the

______ Congress of 1929.

(a) Shimla

(b) Lahore

(c) Madras

(d) Calcutta

Ans: (b)

312. In the Interim Government formed in 1946, the Minister for

Education was

(a) Patel

(b) Rajaji

(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(d) Annie Besant

Ans: (c)

313. The Pakistan panacea was sponsored by

(a) Azad Kalam

(b) Jinnah

(c) Md Iqbal

(d) Liyakat All Khan

Ans: (c)

314. The Indian Independence Act was passed in

(a) July 1947

(b) August 1947

(c) June 1947

(d) September 1947

Ans: (a)

315. AI Hilal was a



(a) Mosque

(b) Journal

(c) Madrasah

(d) Garden

Ans: (b)

316. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the author of

(a) India Wins Freedom

(b) New India

(c) Gita Rahasya

(d) Discovery of India

Ans: (a)

317. Tilak called him the 'Diamond of India' the jewel of

Maharashtra and the Prince of Workers'. Who is referred in

these words

(a) Lajpat Rai

(b) Shivaji

(c) Gokhale

(d) Madhava Rao

Ans: (c)

318. Motilal presided over the Congress Session of 1919 held at

(a) Lahore

(b) Amritsar

(c) Calcutta

(d) Bombay

Ans: (b)

319. Swarajist Party was organised by

(a) Motilal Nehru

(b) Subash Chandra Bose



(c) Annie Besant

(d) Gokhale

Ans: (a)

320. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Irish Home Rule Movement 1. Annie Besant

B. Home Rule Movement in India 2. Red Mond

C. Ferguson College 3. Motilal Nehru

D. Kashmir 4. Gokhale



(a) 2 1 4 3

(b) 4 3 2 1

(c) 3 4 1 2

(d) 1 2 3 4

Ans: (a)

321. The famine in Bihar and Bengal in 1873-74 was averted by

the timely action of

(a) Minto

(b) Morley

(c) Northbrook

(d) Hastings

Ans: (c)

322. Lytton was selected as Viceroy to India to fulfill the

ambitious plans of Disraeli in _____.

(a) Awadh



(b) Afghanistan

(c) Bengal

(d) Burma

Ans: (b)

323. The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year

(a) 1919

(b) 1925

(c) 1927

(d) 1930

Ans: (a)

324. Narendra MandaI was inaugurated by Duke of Connaught

in the year

(a) 1920

(b) 1921

(c) 1931

(d) 1910

Ans: (b)

325. Servants of India Society was founded in

(a) England

(b) India

(c) America

(d) Burma

Ans: (a)

326. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a Scholar in

(a) Persian

(b) Arabic

(c) Sanskrit

(d) French



Ans: (b)

327. In 1946, the Interim Government was formed under

(a) Patel

(b) Gandhiji

(c) Rajaji

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans: (d)

328. The President of the Congress Sessions of 1898 and 1902 was

(a) Hume

(b) Tilak

(c) Dadabhai Naoroji

(d) S N Banerjee

Ans: (d)

329. The National Liberal Federation was founded by

(a) S N BanneIjee

(b) Motilal Nehru

(c) Abul Kalam Azad

(d) Mrs Annie Besant

Ans: (a)

330. The Shivaji Festival was inaugurated in 1895 by

(a) Hume

(b) Morley

(c) Tilak

(d) Gokhale

Ans: (c)

331. The Sepoy Mutiny broke out on May 10, 1857 at _____.

(a) Meerut

(b) Gwalior



(c) Jhansi

(d) Agra

Ans: (a)

332. The immediate cause for the Mutiny was

(a) Doctrine of Lapse

(b) The Social Legislation of 1856

(c) The Episode of the Greased Cartridges

(d) The fear of me Indians that they would be converted to


Ans: (c)

333. During the Viceroyalty of Sir John Lawrence the bone of

contention between India and Bhutan was

(a) Duars

(b) Jalpaiguri

(c) Goalpara

(d) Cooch Behar

Ans: (a)

334. Queen Victoria became the Empress of India according to

the Act of

(a) 1858

(b) 1861

(c) 1876

(d) 1909

Ans: (c)

335. The Viceroy who wanted to train Indian in the art of self-

government was

(a) Mountbatten

(b) Ripon



(c) Northbrook

(d) Curzon

Ans: (b)

336. The ruler of Mysore who secured the rendition of Mysore


(a) Tippu

(b) Hyder

(c) Krishnaraja III

(d) Rajendra Wodiar

Ans: (c)

337. Loamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak hailed form

(a) Bengal

(b) Kashmir

(c) Maharashtra

(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans: (c)

338. Tilak was sentenced and transported to

(a) Mandalay

(b) Malaya

(c) Australia

(d) Andaman

Ans: (b)

339. 'Anthology of the Bomb' was written by

(a) Tilak

(b) Bipin Chandra Pal

(c) Gokhale

(d) Annie Besant

Ans: (b)



340. The author of 'A Nation in the Making' was

(a) SN Banerjee

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Hume

(d) Tilak

Ans: (a)

341. Till the end of the 17th Century the growth of the executive

and legislative powers of the East india Company depended


(a) Governor

(b) Governor-General

(c) Parliament

(d) Crown

Ans: (d)

342. In the 18th Century the Royal prerogative in the affairs of

the East India Company was controlled by

(a) The Viceroy's Council

(b) The Indian Legislature

(c) The Parliament in England

(d) The Secretary of State

Ans: (c)

343. Which of the following was not included in the early three

English Settlements in India?

(a) Madras

(b) The Punjab

(c) Bombay

(d) Calcutta

Ans: (b)



344. Before the passing of the Act of 1773, each of the three

English Settlement in India was governed by

(a) Viceroy

(b) President

(c) Secretary

(d) Director

Ans: (b)

345. Which of the following is one of the causes for the passing of

the Act of 1773?

(a) Failure of Double Government

(b) Success of Double Government

(c) Agitation in India

(d) Desire of the Indian Merchants

Ans: (a)

346. Provision was made in the Act of 1773, for the office of a

Governor-General of

(a) India

(b) Fort William

(c) Madras

(d) Bombay

Ans: (b)

347. Pitt's India Bill was introduced by ______ in 1784.

(a) Prime Minister Pitt

(b) Governor-General of India

(c) Senior Merchants

(d) East India Company

Ans: (a)

348. Commissioners for the Affairs of India were known as



(a) Court of Directors

(b) Board of Directors

(c) Board of Control

(d) Board of Merchants

Ans: (c)

349. The members of the Board of Control must be paid from

(a) The Consolidated Fund of England

(b) Indian Revenues

(c) Funds Voted by Parliament

(d) The revenues of Princely States

Ans: (b)

350. When the Governor-General was away from Bengal a Vice-

President appointed by _____ would Act for him.

(a) Crown

(b) Parliament

(c) Board of Control

(d) Governor-General

Ans: (d)

351. The Charter Act of 1793 Renewed the Company's monopoly

for _____ years.

(a) 20 years

(b) 10 years

(c) 30 years

(d) 15 years

Ans: (a)

352. By the Charter Act of 1813 the Indian trade except in ______

was thrown open to all British subjects.

(a) Tea



(b) Spices

(c) Coffee

(d) Cotton

Ans: (a)

353. The Charter Act of 1813 left intact the Company's monopoly

of ______ trade.

(a) China

(b) Jawa

(c) Ceylon

(d) Japan

Ans: (a)

354. Provision was made by the Charter Act of 1813 for the

establishment of a Church at ______.

(a) Madras

(b) Bombay

(c) Calcutta

(d) Pondicherry

Ans: (c)

355. The Charter Act of 1813 allotted Rupees _______ annually

for Indian learning and spread of Scientific knowledge.

(a) One lakh

(b) Two lakhs

(c) £ 1000

(d) £ 500

Ans: (a)

356. The writers of the East India Company had their training in

the college at ______ in England.

(a) London



(b) Manchester

(c) Liverpool

(d) Haileybury

Ans: (d)

357. The Company's monopoly of Trade was abolished by the Act


(a) 1793

(b) 1813

(c) 1833

(d) Pitt's India Act

Ans: (c)

358. The Act of 1833 concentrated the legislative powers in the

hands of

(a) Parliament

(b) Governor-General in Council

(c) Board of Control

(d) Crown

Ans: (b)

359. The last of the Charter Act concerning India was the Act of

(a) 1773

(b) 1813

(c) 1853

(d) 1793

Ans: (c)

360. As per the Act of 1853 the Governor-General's Council was

enlarged for the purpose of

(a) Defence

(b) Legislation



(c) Finance

(d) Security

Ans: (b)

361. Of the following who did not find a place in the Legislative

Council as per the Act of 1853?

(a) The Governor-General

(b) Additional Members

(c) The Commander-in-Chief

(d) The Lieutenant Governor

Ans: (d)

362. By the Act of 1858, India was to be governed

(a) By the Company

(b) In the name of the Crown

(c) By a Board of Directors

(d) In the name of Governor-General of India

Ans: (b)

363. The office of the Secretary of State for India was created by

the Act of

(a) 1853

(b) 1858

(c) 1861

(d) 1892

Ans: (b)

364. The strategy of 'divide and rule' had been actually practised


(a) Lord Curzon

(b) Lord Wellesley

(c) Lord Minto



(d) Lord Dufferin

Ans: (c)

365. With whom was the seven-year rule of' "missions, omissions

and commissions' associated?

(a) Lord Dalhousie

(b) Lord Curzon

(c) Lord Lytton

(d) Lord Mayo

Ans: (b)

366. Who was the moving spirit behind the oganization of the

Ghadar Party?

(a) Lala Hardayal

(b) V D Savarkar

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Ans: (a)

367. What was the name of the Sabha started by Debendranath


(a) Arya Samaj

(b) Dharma Sabha

(c) Tattvabodhini Sabha

(d) Tattvabodhini Samaj

Ans: (c)

368. The doctrine of lapse had been put to much use by

(a) Lord Dalhousie

(b) Lord Bentick

(c) Lord Curzon

(d) Lord Ripon



Ans: (a)

369. Who had succeeded Mir Jafar to the throne?

(a) Haider Ali

(b) Chandra Sahib

(c) Tipu Sultan

(d) Mir Kasim

Ans: (d)

370. In 1942, Europe had witnessed a great war between

(a) Sweden and Russia

(b) France and Germany

(c) France and England

(d) Germany and Russia

Ans: (d)

371. The Act of _______ had introduced the system of separate


(a) 1874

(b) 1893

(c) 1909

(d) 1926

Ans: (c)

372. Who had paned the Vernacular Press Act into law?

(a) Lord Mayo

(b) Lord Hardinge

(c) Lord Dalhousie

(d) Lord Lytton

Ans: (d)

373. Lord Lytton had lowered the age limit for Indiana for the

ICS from 21 year to



(a) 20 years

(b) 19 years

(c) 18 years

(d) 17 years

Ans: (b)

374. Vivian Derozio had been associated with the ______


(a) Swadeshi

(b) Back to the Vedas

(c) Young Bengal

(d) Young India

Ans: (c)

375. The first Indian national leader who began building,

organizing and promoting the freedom struggle was

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji

(b) Lala Lajpat Rai

(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Ans: (a)

376. Which of the following is not among the regions where the

Britishers had first set up trading posts?

(a) Bengal

(b) Goa

(c) Coromandel Coast

(d) Gujarat

Ans: (b)

377. The 1857 revolt did not acquire much intensity in

(a) Delhi



(b) Awadh

(c) Bombay

(d) The Chambal Region

Ans: (c)

378. An effect of the 1857 revolt was that

(a) The spirit of rebellion in Indian was crushed

(b) The British became totally demoralized

(c) The British abandoned their repressive policies

(d) Unity was forged between the Hindus and Muslims

Ans: (d)

379. The majority of the moderate leaders of India's freedom

struggle may be traced to hail from

(a) Bengal

(b) Rural areas

(c) Urban areas

(d) Both rurals as well as urban parts

Ans: (c)

380. The passage of the Rowlatt Act had been almost immediately

followed by the

(a) Minto-Morley Reforms

(b) Khilafat Movement

(c) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

(d) Chauri-Chaura Incident

Ans: (c)

381. The United East India Company refers to the company in

India formed by the

(a) Portuguese

(b) Dutch



(c) French

(d) British

Ans: (b)

382. Madras was returned by the French to the British in 1748 by

the Treaty of

(a) Paris

(b) Delhi

(c) London

(d) Aix-la-Chapelle

Ans: (d)

383. What did the Rowlatt Act, 1919 empower the British

government to do

(a) Foment class and caste strife

(b) Shut down any industrial unit at will

(c) Extend the period of imprisonment for Indians

(d) Detain a person for any duration without a trial

Ans: (d)

384. After the 1935 elections, the only two provinces out of eleven

which had non-Congress ministries were

(a) Bengal and Punjab

(b) Assam and Kerala

(c) Bengal and Assam

(d) Punjab and Kerala

Ans: (a)

385. When did the Cripps Mission, which had practically

repeated the August Offer 1940 visit India?

(a) 1941

(b) 1942



(c) 1943

(d) 1944

Ans: (b)

386. Despite holding a monopoly, the East India Company had

faced competition from what it had termed as the

'interlopers' represented by the

(a) Portuguese

(b) Indigenous merchants

(c) British free merchants

(d) Dutch

Ans: (c)

387. A letter to the Mughal emperor Jahangir from King James I

had been presented by

(a) Lord Clive

(b) Sir Thomas Roe

(c) Lord Curzon

(d) Captain Hawkins

Ans: (b)

388. The Non-Cooperation movement had been launched by

Gandhi in the year

(a) 1916

(b) 1919

(c) 1920

(d) 1923

Ans: (c)

389. Who was the first Indian civil servant?

(a) Motilal Nehru

(b) S N Banerjee



(c) C R Das

(d) Bhagat Singh

Ans: (b)

390. The decisive battle of the third Carnatic War was waged

between the French and the British at

(a) Arcot

(b) Jhansi

(c) Plassey

(d) Wandiwash

Ans: (d)

391. Muslim communalism was lent an impetus by the activities


(a) Ashfaqullah

(b) Liaqat Hussain

(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(d) Sayyid Ahmad Khan

Ans: (d)

392. The Nehru Report of 1928 with proposals for constitutional

reforms had been prepared by

(a) Motilal Nehru

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Kamla Nehru

(d) All of the above

Ans: (a)

393. In which year was the All India Muslim League founded?

(a) 1903

(b) 1906

(c) 1909



(d) 1912

Ans: (b)

394. Who was not among the three revolutionaries who were

hanged on March 23, 1931?

(a) Bhagat Singh

(b) Azad

(c) Rajguru

(d) Sukhdev

Ans: (b)

395. The Civil Disobedience Movement had been led in the

North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) by

(a) Sheikh Mohammed Tyabji

(b) Dr M AAnsari

(c) Badruddin Tyabji

(d) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Ans: (d)

396. The Prime causes of the 1857 mutiny did not include

(a) The new system of education

(b) The Widow Remarriage Act

(c) The despatch of Indian Sepoys to Afghanistan

(d) Laws forbidding intermarriages between Indians and the


Ans: (d)

397. Nana Sahib the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II had

become a great enemy of the British because

(a) The Queen had humiliated him

(b) He had lost his title

(c) The British had stopped his pension



(d) His estate had been snatched from him

Ans: (c)

398. Name the Mughal emperor occupying the throne of Delhi

when the revolt of 1857 took place

(a) Shah Alam II

(b) Jahandar Shah

(c) Bahadur Shah Zafar

(d) Humayun

Ans: (c)

399. Identify the revolutionary among the following who was not

active in London?

(a) Shyamji Krishna Varma

(b) Ashfaqullah

(c) Lala Hardayal

(d) V D Savarkar

Ans: (b)

400. Where did the revolutionaries have their deliberations,

which led to the formation of the Hindustan Republican


(a) Calcutta

(b) Kanpur

(c) Madras

(d) Allahabad

Ans: (b)

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