10 minute read


Page 236

201- 300

201. Where did Mahatma Gandhi first apply his technique of


Ans: South Africa

202. Which of the following statements about Mahatma Gandhi's

views on Satyagraha is not correct?

Ans: It is the best weapon of the weak against the strong

203. Which of the following was not one of the techniques of

'Satyagraha' advocated by Mahatama Gandhi?

(a) Ahimsa

204. Which of the following is not one of the reasons why

Mahatma Gandhi is known Ra the Father of Nation?

(a) He was universally adored, admired and respected by all

castes, communities and classes

205. Which of the following writers did not have a profound

influence on the thinking of Mahatma Gandhi?

(d) Marx

206. What was the single most significant contribution of Sardar

Vallabhbhai Patel to Indian History?

(b) As the Home Minister of free India he brought about the

integration of 600-odd Indian States with the Indian Republic

207. Which of the following songs was so dear to Gandhiji's

heart, that he wrote: 'That one song is enough to sustain me,

even if I were to forget the 'Bhagwad Gita'.

(c) Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye

208. Who is the author of Vande Mataram?

(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

209. Who composed the song "Sare Jahan Se Achha Hindostan


(a) Mohammed Iqbal

210. Who of the following has the distinction of having Authored

the National Anthems of two countries of the world?

(a) TS Eliot

(b) WB Yeats

(c) Rabindranath Tagore

(d) Mohammad Iqbal


211. Who contemptuously referred to Mahatma Gandhi as a half-

naked fakir?

(d) Winston Churchill

212. The British Governor General and Viceroy who served for

the longest period in India was

( b) Lord Dalhousie

213. The Communist Party of India was founded in 1921 by

(c) MN Roy

214. In December 1885, when the Indian National Congress was

founded, AO Hume acted as its

(c) General Secretary

215. The first Indian to be elected as a member of the British

House of Commons was

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji

216. Eminent Tamil Poet C Subramania Bharati was associated

with which of the following movements oC the Indian

National Congress?

(a) Extremist

217. The song Jan-Gana-Mana composed by Rabindranath

Tagore was first published in January 1912 under the title of

(c) Bharat Vidhata

218. Narain Malhar Joshi founded

(a) the Social Service League in Bombay in 1911

(b) All India Trade Union Congress 1920

(c) Both (a) and (b) above

(d) The Deccan Education Society 1884

Ans: ©

219. All India State's Peoples Conference formed in 1927

launched popular movements in

(a) Princely States

220. The actual name of Dayanand Saraawati, the founder of the

Arya Samaj was

(b) Mula Shankar

221. The President of the Constituent Assembly was

(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad

222. The slogan of 'Bande Matram' was first adopted during the

______ Movements?

(c) Swadeshi

223. During the freedom struggle a parallel movement launched

in the Indian states (in the states ruled by the Indian rulers

such as Kashmir, Nizam's Hyderabad, Travancore, etc.)


(a) State People's Movement

(b) Praja Mandal Movement

(c) Both (a) and (b) above

(d) Swaraj Movement

Ans: ©

224. The first elected Indian President of the Legislative

Assembly was

(d) VJ Patel

225. Shree Narayan Guru was a great socio-religious reformer of

(a) Kerala

226. The youngest President of the Indian National Congress,

who held that office at the age of 35, was

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) Subhash Chandra Bose

(c) Annie Besant

(d) Abul Kalam Azad

Ans: (d)

227. The first Indian to contest an election to the British House of

Commons was

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji

(b) Womesh Chandra Bannerjee

(c) Surendranath Banerjee

(d) Pheroze Shah Mehta

Ans: (b)

228. Two socio-religious reform movements founded in India in

1875 were

(a) Brahmo Samaj and Prarthana Samaj

(b) Arya Samaj and Ramakrishna Mission

(c) Theosophical Society and Arya Samaj

(d) Aligarh Movement and Servants of Indian Society

Ans: (c)



229. The momentous decision to transfer the capital from

Calcutta to Delhi, to annul the partition of Bengal and to

abolish Indian indentured labour were taken during the

Viceroyalty of Lord

(a) Hardinge

(b) Minto

(c) Chelmsford

(d) Reading

Ans: (a)

230. The first Indian Governor of a British Province (Bihar) in

India was

(a) Sir SP Sinha

(b) Sir Shaukat Hayat

(c) Sir Hari Singh Gaur

(d) VJ Patel

Ans: (a)

231. The Headquarters of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission

established by Vivekananda in 1898 are at

(a) Kanyakumari

(b) Belur

(c) Hyderabad

(d) Murshidabad

Ans: (b)

232. Who is regarded as the father and founder of the Indian

National Congress?

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji

(b) SN Banerjee

(c) AO Hume

(d) Pheroze Shah Mehta



Ans: (c)

233. Who of the following was associated with the publication of a

large number of weeklies and dailies such as Hindustan,

Indian Union, Leader, Maryada, Kissan, Abhudaya etc.?

(a) Motilal Nehru

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Madan Mohan Malaviya

(d) Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi

Ans: (d)

234. Who declared that he would talk of religion only when he

succeeded in removing poverty and misery from the country,

for religion could not appease hunger?

(a) Swami Vivekananda

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Jawaharlal Nehru

(d) Dadabhai Naoroji

Ans: (a)

235. The most famous woman disciple of Vivekananda was

(a) Madam Blavatsky

(b) Annie Besant

(c) Sister Nivedita

(d) Sarojini Naidu

Ans: (c)

236. 'The Times of India' which celebrated its 150th anniversary

in 1988, was first published in 1838 as

(a) Bombay Chronicle

(b) Bombay Times

(c) Indian Times

(d) National Times ..


Ans: (b)

237. A focal point of all revolutionary activities in London was

(a) India House

(b) Kaiser House

(c) Singh Sabha Building

(d) Dadabhai Naoroji's House

Ans: (a)

238. The first President of the Ghadar Party-founded in 1913 in


(a) Lata Hardayal

(b) Sohan Singh Bhakna

(c) Bhai Parmanand

(d) Sardar Ajit Singh

Ans: (b)

239. Chandra Shekhar Azad was ______ of the Hinduatan

Socialist Republican Army.

(a) President

(b) Secretary

(c) Commander-in-Chief

(d) Field Marshal

Ans: (c)

240. The Tokyo Conference which passed a resolution to form an

Indian National Army or Azad Hind Fauj was a conference


(a) different associations of Indians living in South-East Asia

(b) Indians living in Tokyo

(c) Indian prisoners of war in Japanese custody

(d) Indian revolutionaries living outside India



Ans: (a)

241. The All India Muslim League was founded in 1906 primarily

to promote among Indian Muslims

(a) mutual unity and goodwill

(b) political consciousness

(c) feeling of loyalty to the British Government

(d) hatred for the Congress

Ans: (c)

242. The English who twice served as President of the Indian

National Congress was

(a) George Yule

(b) Sir William Wedderburn

(c) AO Hume

(d) Mrs Annie Besant

Ans: (b)

243. When the Congress Ministries were formed in the provinces

in June 1937, the Viceroy of India was

(a) Lord Willingdon

(b) Lord Irwin

(c) Lord Linlithgow

(d) Viscount Wavell

Ans: (c)

244. In which of the following provinces the Congress Ministry

was not formed in June 1937?

(a) United Provinces

(b) Central Provinces

(c) Madras

(d) Assam



Ans: (d)

245. 'A day of deliverance and thanks giving' was celebrated in

1939 by

(a) Congress Party

(b) Muslim League

(c) Forward Bloc

(d) Communist Party

Ans: (b)

246. August Offer 1940 was made by the Viceroy

(a) Willingdon

(b) Linlithgow

(c) Minto

(d) Lytton

Ans: (b)

247. When the August Offer 1940 was offered to India the Prime

Minister of England was

(a) Chamberlain

(b) Baldwin

(c) Chruchill

(d) Asquith

Ans: (c)

248. Of the following who was a poet and political thinker?

(a) Gandhi

(b) Jinnah

(c) Mohammed Iqbal

(d) Patel

Ans: (c)

249. The word Pakistan was coined by



(a) Mohammed Iqbal

(b) Jinnah

(c) Abul Kalam Azad

(d) Rahmat Ali

Ans: (d)

250. The Muslim League passed a resolution demanding the

partition of India in the ______ session held in 1940.

(a) Lahore

(b) Allahabad

(c) Karachi

(d) Dacca

Ans: (a)

251. By the Act of 1773, Parliament granted a loan of ______ to

the East India Company.

(a) Rs 480,000

(b) Rs 400,000

(c) Rs 500,000

(d) Rs 300,000

Ans: (b)

252. The Regulating Act was passed in the year

(a) 1793

(b) 1773

(c) 1763

(d) 1783

Ans: (b)

253. According to the Regulating Act, Directors were to be elected

for a period of

(a) 5 years



(b) 4 years

(c) 6 years

(d) 3 years

Ans: (b)

254. As per the Regulating Act, a Governor-General and four

Councilors were appointed for

(a) Bengal

(b) Bombay

(c) Madras

(d) Surat

Ans: (a)

255. The term of office fixed by Regulating Act for Governor

General was

(a) 4 years

(b) 5 years

(c) 3 years

(d) 2 years

Ans: (b)

256. As per the Regulating Act a Supreme Court was established


(a) Bengal

(b) Bombay

(c) Delhi

(d) Madras

Ans: (a)

257. According to the provisions of the Regulating Act the

Supreme Court in Bengal consisted of the Chief Justice and

(a) Five Judges



(b) Two Judges

(c) Six Judges

(d) Three Judges

Ans: (d)

258. The first Carnatic War in India was an extension of the

Anglo-French War in

(a) Canada

(b) Europe

(c) Africa

(d) America

Ans: (b)

259. During the first Carnatic War, the French Governor-General

of Pondicherry was

(a) La Bourdonnais

(b) Captain Paradise

(c) Dupleix

(d) Count-de-Lally

Ans: (c)

260. To establish French political influence in Sothern India,

Dupleix had an opportunity in the disputed succession to the

thrones of

(a) Delhi and Awadh

(b) Hyderabad and Carnatic

(c) Travancore

(d) Vijayanagar and Ahmednagar

Ans: (b)

261. In the Carnatic, the English supported the claims of

(a) Anwaruddin



(b) Chanda Sahib

(c) Nasir Jang

(d) Muzaffar Jang

Ans: (a)

262. Shuja-ud-Daulah was the Nawab of

(a) Rampur

(b) Arcot

(c) Awadh

(d) Surat

Ans: (c)

263. Shuja-ud-Daulah wanted to acquire the territory of

(a) Rohelas

(b) Marathas

(c) Sikhs

(d) Tamils

Ans: (a)

264. Rohelas were of ______ origin.

(a) Turkish

(b) Afghan

(c) British

(d) Chinese

Ans: (b)

265. The Rohelas helped the Afghan invaders in 1761 in the

Battle of

(a) Bauxar

(b) Plassey

(c) Arcot

(d) Panipat



Ans: (d)

266. To face the Maratha Army the Rohelas chief entered into a

pact with

(a) The Nawab of Awadh

(b) The French

(c) The Portuguese

(d) The Sikhs

Ans: (a)

267. The 'Hero of Plassey' was

(a) Warren Hastings

(b) Dupleix

(c) Clive

(d) Shuja-ud-Daulah

Ans: (c)

268. The use of the mother tongue in India in the law Court was

permitted by

(a) Lord Hastings

(b) Cornwallis

(c) Lord Dalhousie

(d) Bentinck

Ans: (d)

269. The Diwani Adalat was presided over by

(a) Collector

(b) Governor

(c) Resident

(d) Nawabs

Ans: (a)

270. The first plans for an Indian railway system was made by



(a) Minto

(b) Amherst

(c) Hardinge

(d) Cornwallis

Ans: (c)

271. In 1831 Bentinck signed a treaty with Ranjit Singh to protect

the British territories from

(a) Russian menace

(b) Pindari menace

(c) Rohelas

(d) Attack by Burmese

Ans: (a)

272. The Treaty of Bessein (1802) was signed between

(a) The British and the Peshwa

(b) The British and the Nizam

(c) The British and Sikh

(d) The British and Nawab of Arcot

Ans: (a)

273. Sindhia's troops were defeated by General Wellesley at

(a) Bessein

(b) Assaye

(c) Tanjore

(d) Poona

Ans: (b)

274. The Treaty between Ranjit Singh and the British was signed


(a) Allahabad

(b) Amritsar



(c) Kashmir

(d) Agra

Ans: (b)

275. The Sikhs were defeated by the English at ______ in 1856.

(a) Sobraon

(b) Amritsar

(c) Lahore

(d) Kashmir

Ans: (a)

276. The Treaty of Lahore was signed between the Sikhs and the

British in India in the year

(a) 1836

(b) 1846

(c) 1856

(d) 1866

Ans: (b)

277. The English established their first factory in Bengal in 1651

at ______.

(a) Hugli

(b) Kassimbazar

(c) Patna

(d) Calcutta

Ans: (a)

278. The privileges of free trade granted to the English East India

Company were confirmed in 1717 by Emperor

(a) Bahadur Shah

(b) Farrukh-Siyar

(c) Muhammad Shah



(d) Aurangzeb

Ans: (b)

279. Of the following who transferred the capital from

Murshidabad to Monghyr?

(a) Mir Kasim

(b) Mir Jaffar

(c) Siraj-ud-Daulah

(d) Mir Mudan

Ans: (a)

280. Which of the following was not to be ceded by Mir Kasim to

the Company as per the treaty signed between Mir Kasim

and Calcutta Council?

(a) Burdwan

(b) Midnapur

(c) Chittagong

(d) Monghyr

Ans: (d)

281. In the Battle of Buxar the English army was commanded by

(a) Major Munro

(b) Clive

(c) Rojer Drake

(d) Boughton

Ans: (a)

282. The Battle of Buxar was fought between the combined

armies (of the Nawab of Awadh, the Mughal Emperor and

Mir Kasim II) and the

(a) French

(b) Dutch



(c) Portuguese

(d) English

Ans: (d)

283. Who designated the administrative head of the district as


(a) Warren Hastings

(b) Cornwallis

(c) Macpherson

(d) Clive

Ans: (c)

284. Mahabandula was the great General of the

(a) Marathas

(b) Sikhs

(c) Nepalese

(d) Burmese

Ans: (d)

285. Mahabandula was killed at _____.

(a) Rangoon

(b) Tenesserin

(c) Danubyu

(d) Prome

Ans: (c)

286. ‘Confessions of Thug' was written by

(a) Burke

(b) Meadows Taylor

(c) Havell

(d) Moreland

Ans: (b)



287. The Hindu College was started in 1817 at

(a) Calcutta

(b) Bombay

(c) Madras

(d) Pondicherry

Ans: (a)

288. According to ______ the Mutiny was a popular rebellion.

(a) V D Sarkar

(b) V ASmith

(c) L Mukherjee

(d) Chabbra

Ans: (b)

289. The Mutiny was brought to an end with the fall of ______

into the hands of the British in India.

(a) Meerut

(b) Awadh

(c) Gwalior

(d) Rohilkhand

Ans: (c)

290. The Wahabis operated from

(a) Hindukush

(b) Khyber Pass

(c) Western Ghat

(d) Palghat

Ans: (a)

291. The Indian Civil Service Act was passed during the

Viceroyalty of

(a) Elgin



(b) Canning

(c) Minto

(d) Lytton

Ans: (b)

292. The first Indian to enter the Indian Civil Service was

(a) Gokhale

(b) Satyendra Nath Tagore

(c) Ramanuja

(d) Rabindranath Tagore

Ans: (b)

293. The first Famine Commission was constituted under

(a) Sir Richard Strachey

(b) Sir John Strachey

(c) Roberts

(d) Chamberlain

Ans: (a)

294. The Mayo College was started at

(a) Delhi

(b) Calcutta

(c) Agra

(d) Ajmer

Ans: (d)

295. Arrange the following in chronological order:

1. Viceroy Lytton

2. Viceroy Mayo

3. Viceroy Lansdowne

4. Viceroy Linlithgow

(a) II, III, I, IV



(b) II, I, III, IV

(c) IV, III, II, I

(d) III, IV, I, II

Ans: (b)

296. When King George-V and Queen of India visited India, a

magnificent Durbar was held at

(a) Calcutta

(b) Delhi

(c) Bombay

(d) Madras

Ans: (b)

297. The capital of British India was transferred from Calcutta to

Delhi in the year

(a) 1911

(b) 1912

(c) 1920

(d) 1925

Ans: (a)

298. The Tata Iron and Steel Works was completed with the aid of

(a) Japanese experts

(b) Russian experts

(c) American experts

(d) French experts

Ans: (c)

299. Rowlatt after whom Rowlatt Act was named was a

(a) Justice

(b) General

(c) Member of Parliament



(d) Secretary of State for India

Ans: (a)

300. Montagu who toured In India in 1918 was a

(a) Member of Privy Council

(b) Member of Viceroy's Council

(c) Secretary of State for India

(d) Viceroy of India

Ans: ©

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