Objective Geography MCQ part 4 Indian Soil, Seasons and Natural Vegetation

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Pg 65 Part 4

Indian Soil, Seasons

and Natural Vegetation


1. The formation of laterite soil is mainly due to:

(a) weathering

(b) erosion

(c) leaching

(d) deposition

Ans: (c)

2. Which of the following are the components of loamy soils?

1. Red soil

2. Clay soil

3. Alluvial soil

4. Silt soil

5. Sandy soil

(a) I and II

(b) I, III and IV

(c) II and V

(d) II, III and V

Ans: (c)

3. Soil can best be conserved on the hills by which of the cultivating methods?

(a) Strip cropping

(b) Crop rotation

(c) Contour ploughing

(d) Terracing

Ans: (c)

4. Which of the following is not a tropical type of soil?

(a) Red soil

(b) Desert soil

(c) Black soil

(d) Brown soil

Ans: (d)

5. Match the following :

A. Chernozems 1. Rich in calcium carbonate

B. Black soil 2. Contains aluminium compound

C. Laterite 3. Richest soils in the world

D. Terra Rosa 4. Formed in limestone

E. Alluvial soil 5. It is a mixture of clay, sand and silt


(a) 1 2 3 4 5

(b) 3 1 2 4 5

(c) 4 5 3 1 2

(d) 3 4 5 2 1

Ans: (b)

6. What do you understand by the word regur ?

(a) Black soil found in the Deccan

(b) Grey-brown soil found in Russia

(c) Red, colour sticky soil, found in the Amazon area

(d) Black soil found in northern Argentina

Ans: (a)

7. Which of the following soils is most suitable for cultivation of cereals? [CRPF 1990]

(a) Alluvial soils

(b) Red soils

(c) Laterite soils

(d) None of these

Ans: (a)

8. Which of the following types of soils have a marked capacity to retain water?

[Stenographers' Exam 1994]

(a) Desert soil

(b) Laterite soil

(c) Red soil

(d) Regur soil

Ans: (d)

9. Under which climatic conditions do the laterite soils develop ?

(a) Wet tropical Climate

(b) Hot and dry Climate

(c) Cold temperature Climate

(d) Mediterranean type of Climate

Ans: (a)

10. Deforestation results in :

1. flora destruction

2. fauna destruction

3. ecological disbalance

(a) 2 and 3

(b) 1, 2 and 3

(c) 1 only

(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (b)

11. The soil formed by the deposition of silt brought by rivers is :

(a) alluvial soil

(b) red soil

(c) black soil

(d) pod soil

Ans: (a)

12. The Red soils develop a reddish colour due to:

(a) deforestation and over-grazing

(b) the presence of potash and magnesia

(c) tropical monsoonal climate

(d) a wide diffusion of iron in ancient crystalline and metamorphic Jacks

Ans: (d)

13. Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate? [Railways 1994]

(a) Alluvial

(b) Black

(c) Red

(d) Sandy

Ans: (d)

14. The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as:

(a) loamy soil

(b) sandy soil

(c) clayey soil

(d) desert soil

Ans: (a)

15. Which of the following soils is best suited for cotton?

(a) Regur

(b) Alluvial

(c) Red

(d) Clayey

Ans: (a)

16. Which of the following characteristics is not true of alluvial soils?

(a) These vary from sandy loam to clay in texture

(b) These are generally rich in phosphorus but poor in potash

(c) These are usually fine grained

(d) These are by far the most fertile

Ans: (b)

17. Of the following statements about the major soil types, the incorrect one is :

(a) alluvial soils are easy to plough

(b) red soils are rich in phosphorus, nitrogen and lime content

(c) laterite is typically a soil of tropical regions which receive heavy seasonal rainfall

(d) black soil is highly retentive of moisture and very productive

Ans: (b)

18. Match the following:

A. Alluvial Soil 1. Cotton

B. Black Soil 2. Rice

C. Brown Soil 3. Tea

D. Red Soil 4. Wheat


(a) 2 3 1 4

(b) 2 1 3 4

(c) 3 1 2 4

(d) 4 1 3 2

Ans: (d)

19. Match the following: [IAS 2003]

A. Alluvial soil 1. high land of soil of plateaus

B. Black soils 2. on the periphery of plateaus

C. Red soil 3. river basin sand coastal plains

D. Laterite soils 4. deccan lava tract


(a) 3 4 2 1

(b) 1 3 4 2

(c) 3 4 1 2

(d) 2 1 3 4

Ans: (a)

20. On the basis of the process of their formation, which' of the following soils is formed

differently from the other three? [NDA 2003]

(a) Khadar

(b) Bhangar

(c) Bhabar

(d) Regur

Ans: (d)

21. Which of the following are true in respect of alluvial soil ?

1. Generally confined to river basins

2. It has been deposited by rivers

3. It is rich in phosphorus and poor in potash

4. It is the most fertile soil

(a) I and II

(b) III and IV

(c) I, II and IV

(d) I, II and III

Ans: (c)

22. Peaty soil is found in :

(a) Kerala

(b) Kashmir

(c) Assam

(d) Gujarat

Ans: (a)

23. Which of the following is the most important factor in soil formation?

(a) Relief

(b) Climate

(c) Natural vegetation

(d) Rock cover

Ans: (b)

24. Which of the following is/are not the characteristics of red soils?

1. They are derived from weathering of old crystalline and metamorphic rocks

2. They contain iron oxides

3. They have high water retention capacity

4. They have high nitrogen content

(a) II and III

(b) Only III

(c) Only IV

(d) III and IV

Ans: (d)

25. Match the following:

Regions Soil Types

A. Malwa Plateau 1. Alluvial

B. Dharwar Plateau 2. Lateritic

C. Punjab Plains 3. Red

D. Western Ghats 4. Regur


(a) 4 3 1 2

(b) 4 2 1 3

(c) 3 1 4 2

(d) 2 3 4 1

Ans: (a)

26. Which of the following is/are methods of checking soil erosion?

1. Strip cropping

2. Contour ploughing

3. Use of irrigation and fertilisers

4. Terrace farming

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 3 and 4

(c) 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (d)

27. In which of the following ways can soil be conserved?

1. Contour ploughing

2. Terracing

3. Shifting cultivation

4. Crop rotation

(a) I, II and IV

(b) II, III and IV

(c) II and IV

(d) I and III

Ans: (a)

28. Winter rains in North and North-West India are generally associated with the

phenomenon of: [NDA 2003]

(a) retreating monsoon

(b) temperate cyclones

(c) local thunderstorms

(d) shift in jet stream movement

Ans: (c)

29. 'Sal' is a very important tree of: [NDA 2003]

(a) Tropical dry deciduous forest

(b) Tropical rain forest

(c) Thorn forest

(d) Alpine forest

Ans: (a)

30. Consider the following statements:

1. Alluvial soil is rich in chemical properties and is capable of yielding Rabi and Kharif


2. Black soil is suitable for cotton, groundnut.

3. Rabi crops are reaped in autumn after sowing in June.

Which of these statements are correct ? [Asstt Comm PF 2002]

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (b)

31. Forest policy of govt. aims to bring what percentage of total area, under forest?

(a) 33%

(b) 25%

(c) 22%

(d) 27%

Ans: (a)

32. Riparian forest is found:

(a) along the banks of rivers and other wetland

(b) the tarai region, on the foot hills of Himalayas

(c) on the foot hills of Eastern slope of Western Ghats

(d) on the foot hills of Eastern slope of Eastern Ghats

Ans: (a)

33. Most of the floods in the lowlands of N. India, the Bihar plateau and Orissa are

associated with:

(a) easterly depression

(b) orographic rainfall

(c) South-West Monsoon

(d) Thunderstorm

Ans: (b)

34. Which of the following characteristics are associated with the dry monsoon forest of


1. Annual rainfall is below 50 cm

2. The trees are short rooted

3. Thorny shrubs and grassland

4. Mango, Mahua, Sisam and Keeker are the prominent trees.

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 and 4

(c) 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

35. The state which has attained the dubious distinction of being topper in the list with the

highest encroachment of forest land:

(a) Bihar

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Haryana

(d) Punjab

Ans: (c)

36. During the monsoon season rainfall decreases from the Ganga delta to the Punjab

plains. It is because:

(a) monsoon current moves westward along the Ganga plain and becomes drier

(b) western regions are warmer than the eastern region

(c) hills do not form barriers for winds

(d) the area is far away from the sea

Ans: (a)

37. The extreme of temperature between summer and winter is quite low in southern part

of Peninsular India mainly because:

(a) the adjoining oceans moderate the temperature

(b) the sky is generally cloudy

(c) The sun's rays are almost vertical throughout the year

(d) strong winds flow throughout the year

Ans: (a)

38. Which one of the following types of vegetation is referred as Monsoon forest?

(a) Tropical Dry-evergreen forests

(b) Tropical Moist-deciduous forests

(c) Tropical Semi-evergreen forests

(d) Tropical Dry-deciduous forests

Ans: (b)

39. Which one of the following statements is wrong regarding the "Norwesters" of Bengal?

[IAS 2003]

(a) It is caused due to strong surface heating

(b) It originates in the Chhotanagpur plateau region

(c) It is a kind of thunderstorm

(d) None of the above

Ans: (d)

40. The average annual temperature of a meteorological station is 26°C, its average annual

rainfall is 63 cm and the annual range of temperature is 9°C. The station in question is :

[IAS 2002]

(a) Allahabad

(b) Chennai

(c) Cherapunji

(d) Kolkata

Ans: (b)

41. For short-term climatic predictions, which one of the following events, detected in the

last decade, is associated with occasional weak monsoon rains in the Indian sub-

continent? [IAS 2002]

(a) La Nina

(b) Movement of jet streams

(c) El Nino and southern oscillations

(d) Green-house effect on global level

Ans: (c)

42. What proportion of geographical land area is under actual forest cover in India? [IAS







Ans: (a)

43. The most important commercial forests of India are:

(a) tropical evergreen

(b) tropical deciduous

(c) coniferous

(d) mangrove

Ans: (b)

44. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [CDS 1999]

(a) Flood-prone area: North Bihar Plain

(b) Drought-prone area: Kalahandi district of Orissa

(c) Seismic zone: Himalayan region

(d) Landslide zone: Chhotanaqpur plateau

Ans: (d)

45. The wet hill forest are found in the: [CDS 1999]

(a) Aravallis

(b) Mahadev Hills

(c) Nilgiris

(d) Satpura Hills

Ans: (c)

46. With reference to India, which one of the following statements is not correct? [IAS


(a) About one-third of the area of the country records more than 750 millimetres of annual


(b) The dominant source of irrigation in the country is wells

(c) Alluvial soil is the predominant type of soil in the northern plains of the country

(d) The mountain areas account for about thirty percent of the surface area of the country

Ans: (d)

47. Cherapunji receives more rainfall than Shillong because:

(a) the former is nearer to the sea

(b) the air of different densities and temperature tends to converge towards Cherapunjl from

different direction during the rainy season

(c) Cherapunji is located on the windward side

(d) convective precipitation brings more rain at Cherapunji

Ans: (b)

48. Put in descending order of area with the following soils in India:

1. Red soils

2. Black soils

3. Laterite soils

4. Alluvial soils

(a) I, IV, II, III

(b) IV, II, I, III

(c) IV, I, III, II

(d) I, III, IV, II

Ans: (a)

49. Consider the following statements about the soils of India : [IAS 2004]

1. High temperature during most of the year retards formation of humus

2. Soils which have humus require regular application of chemical fertilizers to remove

nitrogen deficiency

3. Titanium salts in basalt impart black, colour to the soils of the Indian plateau

4. Red soils are confined to the peripheral areas of the Indian plateau

Which of the statements given above are correct ?

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1, 3 and 4

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 2 and 4

Ans: (b)

50. Match the following types of climate with respective regions: [IAS 2003]

A. Monsoon type with dry summer 1. Interior Peninsula

B. Monsoon type with dry winter 2. Indian Plain

C. Monsoon type with short dry season 3. S. E. Coast

D. Semi-Arid Steppe 4. Western Coast


(a) 3 2 4 1

(b) 2 4 1 3

(c) 4 1 3 2

(d) 1 3 2 4

Ans: (a)

51. Match the following: [IAS 1997]

Climatic Conditions Reasons

A. Madras is warmer than Calcutta 1. North-East Monsoon

B. Snowfall in Himalayas 2. Altitude

C. Rainfall decreases from West Bengal to Punjab 3. Western depressions

D. Sutlej-Ganga Plain gets some rain in winter 4. Distance from sea

5. Latitude


(a) 1 2 4 5

(b) 4 5 1 3

(c) 5 2 4 3

(d) 5 1 3 4

Ans: (c)

52. Among the following places, the average annual rainfall is highest at : [CDS 2004]

(a) Chennai

(b) Kolkata

(c) Shillong

(d) Thiruvananthapuram

Ans: (c)

53. Consider the following statements:

1. Tamil Nadu is the only area which receives about half of its rainfall from north-east

monsoon winds.

2. Kerala is the only state receiving very heavy rainfall from the south-west monsoon


3. In India, the south-west monsoon is stronger than the north-east monsoon.

Which of these are correct statements? [NDA 2001]

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 1 and 3

(d) 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

54. The mean monthly temperature and rainfall of a station are given below:

Month Temperature ºC Rainfall mm

January 24 2

February 25 1

March 27 0

April 29 3

May 30 16

June 29 520

July 28 709

August 27 419

September 27 297

October 28 88

November 28 21

December 26 2

Yearly 27 2078

The above said data relate to which of following cities? [CDS 2004]

(a) Ahmedabad

(b) Bangalore

(c) Mumbai

(d) Vadodara

Ans: (c)

55. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? [IAS 1997]

(a) Teak : Jammu and Kashmir

(b) Deodar : Madhya Pradesh

(c) Sandalwood : Kerala

(d) Sundari : West Bengal

Ans: (c)

56. Match the following:

Area Forest Type

A. Himalayas 1. Tropical Evergreen

B. Aravallis 2. Temperate Alpine

C. Sunderbans 3. Dry Tropical Deciduous

D. Western Ghats 4. Mangrove


(a) 1 2 4 3

(b) 4 3 1 2

(c) 2 3 4 1

(d) 2 4 3 1

Ans: ©

57. Which of the following are the main reasons for the origin of the south-west monsoon in


1. Development of a low pressure in north-west India

2. Deflection of trade winds

3. Arrival of cyclonic stream from the Pacific Ocean

4. Heating of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal

(a) I, II and III

(b) I and II

(c) II and III

(d) III and IV

Ans: (b)

58. The nature of the winter rainfall in north western India is :

(a) convectional

(b) orographic

(c) monsoonal

(d) cyclonic

Ans: (d)

59. Which of the following functions performed by a forest help most in controlling


(a) forests act as water sheds

(b) forests bring rainfall in monsoon

(c) forests lower the temperature of the environment

(d) forests prevent soil erosion

Ans: (b)

60. Which one of the following shows the correct sequence of places in descending order of

the average summer rainfall ? [CDS 1993]

(a) Jaisalmer, Pune, Allahabad, Cherapunji

(b) Cherapunji, Jaisalmer, Pune, Allahabad

(c) Allahabad, Pune, Jaisalmer, Cherapunji

(d) Cherapunji, Allahabad, Pune, Jaisalmer

Ans: (d)

61. In which of the following cities of India the diurnal range of temperature is maximum?

(a) New Delhi

(b) Mumbai

(c) Chennai

(d) Kolkata

Ans: (a)

62. In which season is the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal maximum? [I.

Tax & Central Excise 1991]

(a) During monsoon

(b) After summer

(c) During winter

(d) During autumn

Ans: (b)

63. The north-western India receives substantial rainfall during winter months because of:

(a) south-west monsoons

(b) retreating monsoons

(c) north-east monsoons

(d) westerly disturbances

Ans: (d)

64. In which of the following states, retreating monsoon has more effect? [Asstt Grade


(a) Orissa

(b) West Bengal

(c) Punjab

(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans: (d)

65. Which one of the following states receives the highest rainfall during winter months?

[NDA 1994]

(a) Punjab

(b) Kerala

(c) Meghalaya

(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans: (d)

66. The premonsoon mango showers occur predominantly in

(a) West Bengal and Assam

(b) Deccan Plateau

(c) Gujarat and Maharashtra

(d) Kerala and Karnataka

Ans: (a)

67. The place which experiences minimum and maximum temperature of - 28.3°C and 15°C

respectively is: [Railways 1995]

(a) Srinagar

(b) Shimla

(c) Kullu

(d) Leh

Ans: (d)

68. Arrange the following cities in decreasing order of the rainfall they receive from the

south-west monsoons in summer months:

1. Allahabad

2. Kolkata

3. Delhi

4. Patna

(a) 2, 4, 1, 3

(b) 3, 1, 4, 2

(c) 1, 4, 3, 2

(d) 2, 4, 3, 1

Ans: (d)

69. The climate of India is: [UP PCS 1994]

(a) tropical climate

(b) sub-tropical climate

(c) savanna type of climate

(d) subtropical monsoon

Ans: (d)

70. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the erratic behaviour of Indian


(a) Uniform duration but varying amounts of rain from one year to another, as well as at

different places

(b) Uncertain date of onset and withdrawal, as well as unequal distribution of rain

(c) Uncertain date of onset and withdrawal as well as varying amounts of rainfall during

different years

(d) Uniform duration but varying amounts of rain from place to place

Ans: (c)

71. 'Natural Vegetation' refers to:

(a) a plant community that has been left undisturbed over a long time

(b) plant species which live and grow together

(c) a protected area created by using contour bunding

(d) all of the above

Ans: (a)

72. What do you mean by 'reserved forest' ?

(a) Reserved for local use

(b) Reserved for commercial exploitation

(c) Reserved for hunting

(d) Reserved for growing medicinal herbs

Ans: (b)

73. Moist tropical evergreen forests are found in:

(a) the Shillong plateau

(b) the Siwaliks

(c) the Deccan plateau

(d) southern India

Ans: (a)

74. Which of the following is not a species of tropical moist deciduous forests?

(a) Mahagony

(b) Sal

(c) Shisham

(d) Teak

Ans: (a)

75. The reason for Rajasthan being deficient in rainfall is:

(a) the monsoon fail to reach this area

(b) it is too hot

(c) there is no water available and thus the winds remain dry

(d) the winds do not come across any barrier to cause necessary uplift to be cooled

Ans: (d)

76. Rainfall from the south-west monsoon reaches:

(a) Lahauland Spiti

(b) Ladakh

(c) Tamil Nadu

(d) Delta region of Mahanadi

Ans: (d)

77. Select the correct sequence in the decreasing order of contribution to the forest cover

on India: [CPO AC 2003]

(a) Dense forest - Open forest - Mangrove forest

(b) Open forest – Dense forest – Mangrove forest

(c) Dense forest - Mangrove forest - Open forest

(d) Open forest - Mangrove forest - Dense forest

Ans: (b)

78. Which one of the following is the characteristic vegetation of regions between the snow

line and about 3000 meters above mean sea level of the Himalayan region? [CDS 2000]

(a) Thick forests of birch, fir, spruce and other trees

(b) Forests of oak, deodar, chestnut and maple trees

(c) A few dwarf shrubs

(d) Forests of khair, sandalwood, palas and other trees

Ans: (b)

79. Match the following:

A. Cold weather 1. June to September

B. Hot weather 2. October to November

C. South-West monsoon 3. December to February

D. Retreating Monsoon 4. March to May


(a) 3 4 1 2

(b) 4 3 2 1

(c) 1 2 3 4

(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (a)

80. The retreating monsoon withdraws from the:

(a) west coast to the east coast

(b) north to the south

(c) north-east India to the west coast

(d) north-west India to Bengal

Ans: (d)

81. Which of the following is recognised as a season by the meteorological department of

India ?

(a) Cold weather

(b) Hot weather

(c) Retreating monsoon

(d) North-eastern monsoon

Ans: (d)

82. Which one of the following places ranks second among the coldest places in the world?

[CDS 2000]

(a) Dras (Jammu and Kashmir)

(b) Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)

(c) Manali (Himachal Pradesh)

(d) Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh)

Ans: (a)

83. Which of the following factors does not have influence on the Indian climate?

(a) Presence of Indian Ocean

(b) Nearness to equator

(c) Monsoons

(d) Ocean currents

Ans: (d)

84. Which of the following is incorrectly matched ?

(a) Aandhi - Uttar Pradesh

(b) Kalbaisakhi - West Bengal

(c) Loo – North - west India

(d) Mango-showers – Orissa

Ans: (d)

85. Which one of the following cities never experiences vertical rays of the sun during

noon? [NDA 2002]

(a) Chennai

(b) Mangalore

(c) Mumbai

(d) New Delhi

Ans: (d)

86. Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa often face natural disasters due to: [CPO SI 2003]

(a) cyclones

(b) earthquakes

(c) landslides

(d) tornadoes

Ans: (a)

87. Consider the following statements:

1. The south-west monsoon causes heavy rainfall in the Shillong plateau.

2. The north-east monsoon causes the rainfall over Orissa coast during winter.

Which of these statements is/are correct ? [CDS 2003]

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

88. Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune because: [CPO SI 2003]

(a) Mumbai is on the windward side

(b) Pune is at a-greater elevation

(c) Mumbai is a coastal city

(d) Pune has greater vegtetation than Mumbai

Ans: (a)

89. At which place will you find maximum sunlight in December?

(a) Pune

(b) Leh

(c) Kolkata

(d) Kanyakumari

Ans: (d)

90. M6nsoon retreat is marked by: [UP PCS 1995]

1. clear sky

2. high pressure conditions at the Bay of Bengal

3. rise in temperature on land

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

91. Amritsar and Shimla have the same latitude yet Shimla is cooler than Amritsar because


(a) lies north of Amritsar

(b) comes under the influence of cold winds

(c) is at a higher elevation

(d) receives a lot of snow

Ans: (c)

92. Most of India's rainfall is: [NDA 1993]

(a) cyclonic

(b) convectional

(c) elusive

(d) orographic

Ans: (a)

93. Which region in India receives substantial rain during the winter month of January ?

(a) Kerala coast

(b) Central India

(c) Punjab

(d) Rajasthan

Ans: (c)

94. Match the following:

Forest Type Regions

A. Tropical evergreen 1. Chhotanagpur plateau, Siwaliks

B. Monsoon 2. Shillong plateau, Sahyadris

C. Temperate 3. West Bengal, Terai

D. Mangrove 4. Eastern and Western Himalayas, Nilgiris


(a) 2 4 1 3

(b) 3 1 4 2

(c) 2 1 4 3

(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (c)

95. The temperature of Thiruvananthapuram is lower than that of Mumbai in May and

higher than that of Mumbai in January, because: [IAS 2004]

(a) Thiruvananthapuram has cold current and Mumbai is faced with warm current

(b) Thiruvananthapuram has higher rainfall in summer and it is nearer to the equator

(c) Thiruvananthapuram is on the windward side and Mumbai is on the leeward side

(d) Thiruvananthapuram is Vegetated while Mumbai is not

Ans: (b)

96. Xerophytic vegetation is characteristic feature of: [IAS 2004]

(a) Chhotanagpur plateau

(b) Khasi hills

(c) Eastern Ghats

(d) Kuchchh

Ans: (d)

97. Of the floating iceberg in the sea, the portion remaining above the sea level is :

(a) 1/10th

(b) 1/9th

(c) 1/6th

(d) 1/5th

Ans: (a)

98. Which one of the following is not essentially a species of the Himalaya vegetation? [IAS


(a) Juniper

(b) Mahogany

(c) Silver fir

(d) Spruce

Ans: (b)

99. Which one of the following pairs of cities have the largest annual average rain

difference as compared to the other three pairs? [IAS 2008]

(a) Jabalpur and Nagpur

(b) Mumbai and Pune

(c) Kolkata and Bhubaneshwar

(d) Guwahati and Shillong

Ans: (b)

100. With reference to Indian forests, consider the following pairs:

1. Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests Sandalwood (Santalum album)

2. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests: (Shorea robusta)

3. Tropical Thorn Forests: Shisham (Dalbeigia sissoo)

Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched? [IAS 2001]

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

101. Which one of the following types of forest covers the maximum area in India? [NDA


(a) Tropical rain forest

(b) Tropical moist deciduous forest

(c) Tropical dry deciduous forest

(d) Tropical dry evergreen forest

Ans: (b)

102. Among the following, which State has highest level of literacy? [NDA 2001]

(a) Mizoram

(b) West Bengal

(c) Gujarat

(d) Punjab

Ans: (a)

103. Which one of the following states has the largest forest area to its total land area?

[CDS 2001]

(a) Mizoram

(b) Arunachal Pradesh

(c) Sikkim

(d) Jammu and Kashmir

Ans: (a)

104. Which one of the following is a global biodiversity hotspot in India? [CDS 2001]

(a) Western Ghats

(b) Western Himalayas

(c) Eastern Ghats

(d) Northern Himalayas

Ans: (a)

105. Which one among the following types of forests exhibits highest bio-diversity ? [Asstt

Comm 2001]

(a) Dry deciduous forest

(b) Tropical rain forest

(c) Moist deciduous forest

(d) Mangrove forest

Ans: (b)

106. 1. The Shivaliks have tropical moist deciduous flora.

2. The Bundelkhand plateau has thorn and scrub forest type of vegetation.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [Asstt Comm 2008]

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

107. Among the following places, which one receives comparatively lowest average monsoon

rainfall from June to September? [Asstt Comm 2008]

(a) Eastern Uttar Pradesh

(b) Southern West Bengal

(c) Punjab

(d) Western Uttar Pradesh

Ans: (d)

108. At which one of the following places is the monkey called Lion-tailed macaque naturally

found? [Asstt Comm 2008]

(a) Shivaliks

(b) Pachmarhi

(c) Nallamalai hills

(d) Nilgiris

Ans: (d)

109. Consider the following statements:

1. In India, Red Panda is naturally found in the Western Himalayas only.

2. In India, Slow Loris lives in the dense forests of the North East.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (b)

110. Consider the following statements:

1. In the wet temperate forests at above 1500 m on the Nilgiris and Anaimalais, the

Magnolias and Rhododendrons are commonly found.

2. Tropical dry evergreen forests are mostly found in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and


Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

111. Taking into account the amount of rainfall occurring from June to September, which one

of the following is the correct order of cities in terms of rainfall? [IAS 2007]

(a) Kolkata > Ahmedabad > Allahabad

(b) Kolkata > Allahabad > Ahmedabad

(c) Allahabad > Kolkata > Ahmedabad

(d) Ahmedabad > Kolkata > Allahabad

Ans: (b)

112. Which type of climate(s) prevail(s) in the long corridor (Leeward side) of the Western

Ghats and the Nilgiri Hills? [IAS 2007]

(a) Tropical wet and dry climate

(b) Tropical wet and dry with winter rain

(c) Tropical semi-arid steppe

(d) Subtropical monsoon rainforest

Ans: (c)

113. Consider the following statement and identify with the help of the code the tree with

which the statement is related to?

The branches of this tree root themselves like new trees over a large area. The roots then give

rise to more trunks and branches. Because of this characteristic and its longevity, this tree is

considered immortal and is an integral part of the myths and. legends of India. [CDS 2009]

(a) Banyan

(b) Neem

(c) Tamarind (lmli)

(d) Peepal

Ans: (a)

114. Arrange the following States on the basis of ascending dates of the onset of monsoon :

[NDA 2010]

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. Kerala

3. West Bengal

4. Rajasthan

(a) 2-3-1-4

(b) 3-2-1-4

(c) 3-1-2-4

(d) 1-2-3-4

Ans: (b)

115. Among the following regions of India, which one receives comparatively least amount of

annual rainfall? [IAS 2009]

(a) An 80 km wide coastal belt from Nellore to Point Calimere

(b) The middle and lower Asom valley

(c) North-eastern Rajasthan

(d) The coastal plains of Gujarat south of Narmada

Ans: (c)

116. Among the following states, in which one is the percentage of forest area to total

geographical area the highest? [IAS 2009]

(a) Arunachal Pradesh

(b) Himachal Pradesh

(c) Sikkim

(d) Uttarakhand

Ans: (a)

117. Consider the following pairs:

Tree: Location of its natural habitat

1. Rosewood: Slopes of Western Ghats of Karnataka and Kerala

2. Spruce : Western Himalayas at elevations from 2100 m to 3600 'm

3. Walnut: Lower elevations on Eastern Himalayas

Which of the pair(s) given above is/are correctly matched? [IAS 2009]

(a) A only

(b) A and B

(c) Band C

(d) A, B and C

Ans: (b)

118. Consider the following statements:

1. Biodiversity hots pots are located only in tropical regions.

2. India has four biodiversity hots pots, i.e., Eastern Himalayas, Western Himalayas,

Western Ghats and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2010]

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (d)

119. The western coast of India receive very high rainfall in summer mainly due to [NDA


(a) Tropical location

(b) Nearness to sea

(c) Western Ghats

(d) Himalayas

Ans: (c)

120. In India the State with the largest area under very dense forests is [UP PCS 2011]

(a) Arunachal Pradesh

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c) Maharashtra

(d) Orissa

Ans: (a)

121. Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is/are correct?

1. The colour of the soil is-red due to ferric oxide content.

2. Red soils are rich in lime, humous and potash.

3. They are porous and have friable structure.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [(OS2011]

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 3 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

122. Which one of the following is not a site for 'in-situ' method of conservation of flora?

[CSAT 2011]

(a) Biosphere Reserve

(b) Botanical Garden

(c) National Park

(d) Wildlife Sanctuary

Ans: (b)

123. The Himalayan Range is very rich in species diversity. Which one among the following

is the most appropriate reason -for this phenomenon? [CSAT 2011]

(a) It has a high rainfall that supports luxuriant vegetative growth

(b) It is a confluence of different bio-geographical zones

(c) Exotic and invasive species have not been introduced in this region

(d) It has less human interference

Ans: (b)

124. Which city has the longest day in the month of June?

(a) Delhi

(b) Kolkata

(c) Chennai

(d) Bangalore

Ans: (b)

125. In May-June each year, the monsoon winds approach the southern tip of India from:

[IFS 1990]

(a) northly direction

(b) north-easterly direction

(c) north-westerly direction

(d) south-westerly direction

Ans: (d)

126. The rains along the western coast of India are:

(a) cyclonic

(b) convectional

(c) orographic

(d) monsoonal

Ans: (c)

127. The driest place in India is : [NDA 2003]

(a) Leh

(b) Barmer

(c) Jaisalmer

(d) Bikaner

Ans: (a)

128. Indian monsoon is marked by seasonal shift caused by: [Teachers' Exam 1994]

(a) differential heating of land and sea

(b) cold winds of Central Asia

(c) great uniformity of temperature

(d) None of these

Ans: (a)

129. Rainfall in India is not associated with:

(a) orography

(b) convection

(c) cyclones

(d) anticyclones

Ans: (d)

130. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) The intensity of monsoons is determined by tropical depressions

(b) Tamil Nadu receives rainfall from north-east monsoon

(c) Andhra Pradesh is not much affected by retreating south-west monsoon

(d) All are correct

Ans: (d)

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