Modern India History part 1 MCQ question

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1. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 15th March ______.

(a) 1928

(b) 1930

(c) 1931

(d) 1935

Ans: (c)

2. The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation under the

inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special

session of Congress held at Calcutta in

(a) September 1920

(b) December 1922

(c) October 1924

(d) November 1925

Ans: (a)

3. The Swaraj Party was organised by

(a) Lala Lajapat Rai and Feroze Shah Mehta

(b) Sarojini Naidu and Annie Besant

(c) CR Das and Motilal Nehru

(d) C Rajagopalachari and CY Chintamani

Ans: (c)

4. In what session did Congress declared complete

Independence (Poorna Swaraj) as its goal?

(a) Lahore session held in 1929

(b) Madras session held in 1927

(c) Ahmadabad session held in 1921

(d) Gaya session held in 1922

Ans: (a)

5. When was the first Independence day unofficially celebrated



before Independence?

(a) On 26th January 1929

(b) On 26th January 1931

(c) On 26th January 1935

(d) On 26th January 1930

Ans: (d)

6. Who was the British Prime Minister who convened the First

Round Table Conference in London?

(a) Churchill

(b) Ramsay McDonald

(c) Chamberlain

(d) Disraeli

Ans: (b)

7. Who among the following did not attend the First Round

Table Conference?

(a) MK Gandhi

(b) Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru

(c) Dr Ambedkar

(d) C V Chintamani

Ans: (a)

8. Who opened the First Round Table Conference?

(a) King George V

(b) MK Gandhi

(c) Lord Irwin

(d) Ramsay McDonald

Ans: (a)

9. The historic fait by Gandhi came to an end as a result of the

(a) Poona Pact



(b) Issue of White Paper

(c) Gandhi-Irwin Pact

(d) Arrival of Simon Commission

Ans: (a)

10. 'My strongest bulwark is gone' lamented Gandhiji on the

death of

(a) Gopalakrishna Gokhale

(b) Motilal Nehru

(c) Pheroze Shah Mehta

(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Ans: (d)

11. When was the First Round Table Conference held?

(a) 1933

(b) 1931

(c) 1930

(d) 1903

Ans: (c)

12. Mahatma Gandhi participated In the Second Round Table

conference after

(a) signing the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of March 1931

(b) refusing to hold direct talks with the Muslim League

(c) being permitted by the Congress

(d) receiving assurance that independence was fast coming

Ans: (a)

13. In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started the Civil Disobedience

Movement from

(a) Wardha

(b) Sevagram



(c) Sabarmati

(d) Dandi

Ans: (c)

14. The idea of incorporating, safeguards In the Indian

Constitution was inspired by the

(a) Third Round Table Conference

(b) Gandhi-Irwin Pact

(c) Visit of Simon Commission

(d) Poona Pact

Ans: (c)

15. Match List-I with List-U and select the correct answer using

the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-II

A. Dadabhai Naoroji 1. Home Rule

B. Annie Besant 2. Servants of India Society

C. Gopalakrishna 3. Thrice President Gokhale of Indian

National Congress

D. Sri Aurobindo 4. Extremist Turned Spiritualist



(a) 1 3 4 2

(b) 1 3 2 4

(c) 3 1 2 4

(d) 3 1 4 2

Ans: (c)

16. Who founded the 'All India Harijan Samaj' in 1932?



(a) B R Ambedkar

(b) Acharya Narendra Dev

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Jagjivan Ram

Ans: (c)

17. To which personality Gandhiji gave the title "Deen


(a) Sri Aurobindo

(b) CF Andrews

(c) Vinoba Bhave

(d) CR Das

Ans: (b)

18. Which of the following leaders died as a result of Injuries

sustained during a protest demonstration against Simon


(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(b) Dadabhai Naoroji

(c) Goplakrishna Gokhale

(d) LaIa Lajpat Rai

Ans: (d)

19. Who gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad'?

(a) Bhagat Singh

(b) Subhash Chandra Bose

(c) Md Iqbal

(d) Chandra Shekhar Azad

Ans: (a)

20. Who said that the exploitative nature of British rule was

'Bleeding India White'?



(b) Dadabhai Naoroji

(c) Hume

(d) Annie Besant

Ans: (b)

21. "India for the Indiana" was the political message of

(a) D E Wacha

(b) Vivekanand

(c) Dayanand

(d) Hume

Ans: (c)

22. Which of the following was the 'Newspaper' of Annie


(a) The Hindu

(b) Indian Express

(c) The Times of India

(d) New India

Ans: (d)

23. Aligarh Muslim University was founded by

(a) Jinnah

(b) Syed Ahmed Khan

(c) Abul Kalam Azad

(d) Bhutto

Ans: (b)

24. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Swaraj is my birth right 1. Moderates

B. It is not reforms but re-form 2. Lajpat




C. Asubject people has no soul 3. BC Pal

D. Policy of petitions, prayers and protests 4. Tilak

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:



(a) 1 2 3 4

(b) 4 3 2 1

(c) 3 4 2 1

(d) 2 1 3 4

Ans: (b)

25. Who said that the constant 'drain of wealth' from India was

responsible for Indla's economic miseries?

(a) BC Pal

(b) BP Wadia

(c) Dadabhai Naoroji

(d) GS Arundale

Ans: (c)

26. As per the Act of 1919 which of the following statements was

not correct?

(a) British India must remain an integral part of the British


(b) Responsible Government would be realised only by the

progressive stages.

(c) Provincial subjects were classified into Reserved subjects

and Transferred subjects.

(d) The salary of the Secretary of State for India was not to be

paid by Parliament. ..


Ans: (d)

27. As per the Act of 1919 which of the following was not a

Transferred subject?

(a) Education

(b) Museum

(c) Medical Relief

(d) Land Revenue

Ans: (d)

28. The Dyarchy which was introduced on 1921 In province a

was in force till the year

(a) 1927

(b) 1935

(c) 1937

(d) 1947

Ans: (c)

29. The Home Rule League was formed during the

(a) First World War

(b) Partition of Bengal

(c) Struggle following the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

(d) Implementation of Minto-Morley Reforms

Ans: (a)

30. The Secretary of State for India was given powers by

(a) The Act of 1909

(b) The Act of 1919

(c) The Act of 1858

(d) The Act of 1861

Ans: (b)

31. Of the following who was not the leader of the Extremists?



(a) Lokamanya Tilak

(b) Aurobindo Ghose

(c) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) Hume

Ans: (d)

32. Satyagraha Sabha was formed by Gandhi at

(a) Bombay

(b) Calcutta

(c) Gujarat

(d) Poona

Ans: (a)

33. Gandhi called for an all India Hartal (strike) to protest

against Rowlatt Act on 6th April ______.

(a) 1918

(b) 1919

(c) 1926

(d) 1925

Ans: (b)

34. At Jallianwaia Bagh meeting ______ ordered the troops to

open fire.

(a) Benn

(b) Irwin

(c) Dyer

(d) Montagu

Ans: (c)

35. The enquiry Committee on Jallianwaia Bagh incident was

headed by

(a) Dyer



(b) Irwin

(c) Hunter

(d) Simon

Ans: (c)

36. Dyer was ______ by the Government of Britain.

(a) sentenced for life

(b) sentenced to death

(c) rewarded with honour

(d) relieved of his service

Ans: (d)

37. Khilafat Movement was organised by

(a) Jinnah

(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(c) Ali Brothers

(d) Agha Khan

Ans: (c)

38. Khilafat Movement was organised to protest against the

injustice done to

(a) Persia

(b) Turkey

(c) Arabia

(d) Egypt

Ans: (b)

39. The Special Congress Session held in 1920 at Calcutta was

presided over by

(a) Nehru

(b) LaIa Lajpat Rai

(c) Bose



(d) Gandhi

Ans: (b)

40. Of the following who did not oppose the Non-cooperation


(a) C R Das

(b) Madan Mohan Malaviya

(c) Mrs Besant

(d) Nehru

Ans: (d)

41. Match the following:

List-I List-II

A. Moplah 1. Turkey

B. Akali Movement 2. Education

C. Kashi Vidya Peeth 3. Punjab

D. Khilafat Movement 4. Malabar



(a) 4 3 2 1

(b) 1 2 3 4

(c) 3 2 1 4

(d) 2 1 3 4

Ans: (a)

42. Where did Gandhi call the Congress Working Committee to

announce the suspension of Non-Cooperation movement?

(a) Bardoli

(b) Poona



(c) Calcutta

(d) Madras

Ans: (a)

43. The first Swarajist Conference was held at

(a) Ahmedabad

(b) Allahabad

(c) Madras

(d) Bardoli

Ans: (b)

44. When the Simon Commission visited India the Viceroy was

(a) Lloyd George

(b) Lord Irwin

(c) Lord Reading

(d) Lord Ripon

Ans: (b)

45. The number of members in the Simon Commission/was


(a) 10

(b) 20

(c) 7

(d) 12

Ans: (c)

46. Of the following who died as political prisoner in Lahore


(a) Bhagat Singh

(b) Batukeshwar Dutt

(c) Jatin Das

(d) Sukh Dev



Ans: (c)

47. Purna Swaraj was declared as the goal of the Congress in the

Congress session held at Lahore under the Presidentship of

(a) Jawaharala Nehru

(b) CR Das

(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(d) Gokhale

Ans: (a)

48. Dandi March started on _____ 1930.

(a) 12th March

(b) 12th April

(c) 12th February

(d) 12th May

Ans: (a)

49. Dandi March Started from _____ in 1930.

(a) Surat

(b) Sabarmati Ashram

(c) Delhi Durbar Hall

(d) Vedaranyan

Ans: (b)

50. When Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed, the Secretary of State

for India was

(a) Salisbury

(b) Curzon

(c) Wedgwood Benn

(d) Montagu

Ans: (c)

51. Which of the following was not one of the cardinal principles



of Mahatma Gandhiji doctrine of Satyacraha?

(a) Truthfulness

(b) Non-Violence

(c) Fearlessness

(d) Abstinence

Ans: (d)

52. After the failure of the Civil Disobedience Movement,

Gandhiji laid emphasis on

(a) compromise with the British

(b) limited use of Violence

(c) constructive programme

(d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

53. With whom is the slogan "Do or Die" associated?

(a) Subhas Chandra Bose

(b) Lala Lajpat Rai

(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Ans: (d)

54. In which of the following Satyagraha campaigns, Gandhiji

did not participate directly?

(a) Rajkot Satyagraha

(b) Non-Cooperation Movement

(c) Kheda Satyagraha

(d) Vaikom Satyagraha

Ans: (a)

55. The Bardoli Satyagraha was led by

(a) Rajendra Prasad



(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Vallabhbhai Patel

(d) Morarji Desai

Ans: (c)

56. The Second Round Table Conference failed over the question


(a) communal representation

(b) suspension of Civil Disobedience Movement

(c) grant of dominion status

(d) date of transfer of power

Ans: (a)

57. The sole representative of the Congress in the Second Round

Table Conference was

(a) Subhas Chandra Bose

(b) Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans: (c)

58. The Permanent settlement Introduced by Cornwallis is in

Bengal is known as

(a) Roytwari System

(b) Mahalwari System

(c) Zamindari System

(d) Iqtadari System

Ans: (c)

59. Who was the first Indian ruler to apply the western methods

to his administration?

(a) Haider Ali



(b) Tipu Sultan

(c) Murshid Quli Khan

(d) Malhar Rao Holkar

Ans: (b)

60. The capital of Tipu Sultan, where he died while fighting the

Fourth Anglo-Mysore war in 1799, was

(a) Bangalore

(b) Mysore

(c) Seringapatam

(d) Hellebid or Halebid

Ans: (c)

61. Who of the following was for the first time designated as the

Governor of India

(a) Clive

(b) Comwallis

(c) Warren Hastings

(d) Wellesley

Ans: (c)

62. The master stroke of Lord Wellesley to establish British

paramountcy in India was

(a) Doctrine of Lapse

(b) Subsidiary Alliance

(c) Mediatisation

(d) Annexation of Indian States

Ans: (b)

63. The death of millions of Indiana In frequent famines which

visited India during the 19th century, were mainly due to

(a) overall shortage of food and its improper distribution



(b) commercialisation of agriculture

(c) poor purchasing power of the people due to their extreme

poverty and rise in prices

(d) unremunerative agriculture and fall in agricultural production

Ans: (c)

64. Har Bilas Sarda was Instrumental in the passage of the

famous Sarda Act of 1930, which provided for

(a) enforcing monogamy

(b) removal of restrictions on intercaste marriages

(c) penalisation of parties to a marriage in which the girl was

below 14 or the boy was below 18 years of age

(d) civil marriages

Ans: (c)

65. The Nawab of Awadh who permanently transferred his

capital from Faizabad to Lucknow was

(a) Safdarjang

(b) Shuja-ud-Daulah

(c) Asaf-ud-daula

(d) Saadat Khan

Ans: (c)

66. The Revolt of 1857 in Awadh and Lucknow was led by

(a) Wajid Ali Shah

(b) Begum Hazrat Mahal

(c) Asaf-ud-daula

(d) Begum Zeenat Mahal

Ans: (b)

67. Queen Victoria's famous proclamation, transferring

authority from the East India Company to the Crown , was



made from

(a) London

(b) Calcutta

(c) Delhi

(d) Allahabad

Ans: (d)

68. Govind Dhondu Pant, popularly known was Nanasaheb,

and one of the principal leaders of the Revolt of 1857, was

the adopted heir and successor of

(a) Peshwa Baji Rao II

(b) King of Jhansi

(c) Madhav Rao Sindhia

(d) Malhar Rao Holkar

Ans: (a)

69. During the first hundred years of the British rule In India,

people's resentment and Opposition to the British policies

mainly surfaced In the form of

(a) Tribal uprisings

(b) Peasant uprisings

(c) Civil uprisings

(d) Both (a) and (b) above

Ans: (d)

70. The peasant movements, revolts, riots, struggles, etc. in 19th

century, India remained mainly localised because

(a) they were mainly directed against enhancement in rent,

evictions, usurious practices of moneylenders, etc.

(b) the peasants had no leadership and organisation

(c) they grew out of local grievances

(d) the big landlords were allies of the British



Ans: (c)

71. The Deccan Riots of 1874-75 in Maharashtra were directed


(a) Big landlords

(b) Moneylenders

(c) Revenue collectors

(d) British opium planters

Ans: (b)

72. The main cause of the tribal uprisings of the 19th century


(a) the British land settlements and land laws had created

tension in the tribal society

(b) Christian Missionary activities in the tribal areas

(c) the British Forest Laws

(d) new excise regulations and police exactions

Ans: (c)

73. One of the best known tribal rebellions In Bihar, known as

Ulgulan (meaning Great Tumult), was launched by the

Mundas under the leadership of

(a) Kanhu

(b) Sidhu

(c) Birsa Munda

(d) Rampa Munda

Ans: (c)

74. In which of the following tribal rebellions did two tribal

brothers, Kanhu and Sidhu, proclaim the end of the

Company's rule in their region, and to supress their rebellion

the government had to use military force?

(a) Khasi Rebellion in Assam (1855) ..


(b) Naika Tribal Uprising in Gujarat (1868)

(c) Munda Rebellion in Ranchi (1899)

(d) Santhal Rebellion in Bihar (1855-56)

Ans: (d)

75. One of the earliest and the best known mutinies before the

Revolt of 1857 was

(a) the Native Infantry Mutiny (1824)

(b) Indian Soldiers Mutiny at Vellore (1806)

(c) Sholapur Mutiny (1838)

(d) Assam Soldiers Mutiny (1824)

Ans: (b)

76. The first political association of India founded in 1891 was


(a) Landholders Society of Calcutta

(b) Indian Association

(c) British Indian Association

(d) Madras Native Association

Ans: (a)

77. Match the persons/leaders of the Revolt of 1857 and the

places and events with which they were associated:

List-I List-II

A. Mangal Pandey (i) proclaimed him-self Peshwa at

Kanpur and was joined by his able General Tatya Tope

B. Bahadur Shah II (ii) proclaimed the ruler at Jhansi

C. Nana Saheb (iii) at Barrackpore, he refused to use the

greased cartridges and killed the Adjutant

D. Rani Lakshmi Bai (iv) declared the Nawab of Awadh



E. Birjis Kader (v) proclaimed the King emperor of India in




(a) ii v i iii iv

(b) i v ii iii iv

(c) iii v i ii iv

(d) iii ii iv v i

Ans: (c)

78. After the initial success of the Revolt of 1857, the objective

for which the leaders of the Revolt worked was

(a) to restore the former glory to the Mughal empire

(b) to form a Federation of Indian States under the aegis of

Bhadur Shah II

(c) elimination of foreign rule and return of the old order

(d) each leader wanted to establish his own power in his

respective region

Ans: (c)

79. The Revolt of 1857 failed mainly because

(a) of superior resources of the British empire

(b) it was poorly organised and the rebels had no common ideal

(c) it had very little nationalist sentiment

(d) it was localised, restricted and scattered

Ans: (b)

80. Match the following popular movements with the regions

where they took place:

List-I List-II



A. Wahabi (i) Punjab

B. Kuka (ii) North-West Frontier Province

C. Moplah (iii) Maharashtra

D. Phadke (iv) Kerala (Malabar)



(a) i ii iii iv

(b) ii i iv iii

(c) iv iii ii i

(d) i ii iv iii

Ans: (b)

81. The earliest nationalist to commit political dacoities (a

feature of the later revolutionary movements) was

(a) Jyotiba Phule

(b) Chapekar brothers

(c) Vasudev Balwant Phadke

(d) Yatindra Das

Ans: (c)

82. The British colonial policies in India proved moat ruinous

for Indian

(a) agriculture

(b) trade

(c) industry

(d) handicrafts

Ans: (d)

83. Indian handicrafts rapidly declined due to

(a) lack of patronage



(b) growing craze for imported goods

(c) stiff competition from the machine-made goods of England

(d) All the above

Ans: (d)

84. The main exponent of the theory of Drain of Wealth was

(a) RC Dutt

(b) Dadabhai Naoroji

(c) DR Gadoil

(d) Karl Mane

Ans: (b)

85. After 1893, when complete ban was imposed on all

commercial activities of the Company. India was left open to

exploitation by

(a) British officers in India

(b) Planters

(c) British mercantile industrial capitalist class

(d) Zamindars and big landlords

Ans: (c)

86. After the ruin of India's trade, Industries and handicrafts,

the burden of taxation in India had to be mainly borne by

(a) Zamindars

(b) Peasantry

(c) Income-tax payers

(d) All the above

Ans: (b)

87. The single biggest item of British capital investment in India


(a) railways



(b) plantations and mines

(c) banking and insurance

(d) shipping

Ans: (a)

88. The new proletariat class which emerged in India on account

of the British economic policies, consisted of

(a) money lenders

(b) landlords

(c) traders

(d) All the above

Ans: (d)

89. Match the following social reforms of modern India with the

reform organisations founded by them and the year of their


List-I List-II

A. Raja Ram Mohun Roy (i) Tatvabodhini Sabha (1839)

B. Devendra Nath Tagore (ii) Brahmo Samaj of India (1860)

C. Keshav Chandra Sen (iii) Brahmo Samaj (1828)

D. MG Ranade (iv) Arya Samaj (1875)

E. Dayanand Saraswati (v) Prarthana Samaj (1867)



(a) ii i ii v iv

(b) iii i ii v iv

(c) iii ii i iv v

(d) ii i iii v iv



Ans: (b)

90. Match the following social reformers of modern India with

the institutions they founded (including year of their


List-I List-II

A. Vivekananda (i) Theosophical Society (1882)

B. H P Blavatsky (ii) Ramakrishna Mission (1887)

C. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (iii) Ahmadiya Movement (1891)

D. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (iv) Aligarh Movement (1875)

E. Annie Besant (v) Central Hindu College,

Varanasi (1898)



(a) v ii iii iv i

(b) ii i iv iii v

(c) ii v iii iv i

(d) v ii iv iii i

Ans: (b)

91. Match the following social reformers with the pioneering

reforms they introduced:

List-I List-II

A. Raja Ram Mohun Roy (i) opposed untouchability

B. Keshab Chandra Sen (ii) widow remarriage

C. Dayanand Saraswati (iii) abolition of purdah and child




D. Vivekananda (iv) female education

E. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (v) socal service and service

to humanity

F. D K Karve (vi) abolition of Sati



(a) ii iv iii v i vi

(b) vi iii i v iv ii

(c) vi iii i v ii iv

(d) iii iv i v ii iv

Ans: (c)

92. A 19th century social reformer who is regarded as the bridge

between the past and the future is

(a) Keshab Chandra Sen

(b) Devendra Nath Tagore

(c) Ishwar chandra

(d) Raja Ram Mohun Roy

Ans: (d)

93. Which of the following was not a common social reform

attempted by all the Hindu social reformers of the 19th


(a) emancipation of women

(b) monogamy

(c) female education

(d) untouchability

Ans: (d)

94. This social reformer most ardently worked for the removal of



untouchability and uplift the depressed classes before

Gandhiji came on the scene

(a) M G Ranade

(b) Jyotiba Phule

(c) Dayanand Saraswati

(d) Atmaram Panduranga

Ans: (b)

95. Match the years In which the following social legislations

were passed

List-I List-II

A. Abolition of Sati (i) 1843

B. Legalisation of remarriage of widows (ii) 1804

C. Prohibition of female infanticide (iii) 1829-30

D. Abolition of slavery (iv) 1856



(a) i ii iii iv

(b) ii i iv iii

(c) iii iv ii i

(d) iii iv i ii

Ans: (c)

96. Two great socio-religious reformers of the 19th century who

provided Inspiration to the Indian National Movement were

(a) Dayanand Saraswati and Vivekananda

(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Debendra Nath Tagore

(c) MG Ranade and DK Karve

(d) Keshab Chandra Sen and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar



Ans: (a)

97. The social reformer of Maharashtra who became famous by

his pen name lokhitwadi was

(a) Atmaram Panduranga

(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(c) Gopal Hari Deshmukh

(d) KS Chaplunkar

Ans: (c)

98. Who played Socrates to the first generation of the English

educated young men of Bengal

(a) Swami Vivekananda

(b) Rai Narain Bose

(c) Henry Vivian Derozio

(d) Drinkwater Bethun

Ans: (c)

99. The main cause for the Instant popularity of the Arya Samaj

was that

(a) It represented the purified form of Hinduism

(b) It supported and worded for the cause of western education

(c) It combined the opposition to the evil practices of Hinduism

with an aggressive assertion of the superiority of the Vedic

religion and Indian thought over all other faiths

(d) It gave a call to its followers to go back to the Vedas

Ans: (c)

100. The objective(s) of the Kuka Movement in the Punjab


(a) To purify Sikh religion of its abuses and suprestitions

(b) The revival of Sikh sovereignty

(c) Both (a) and (b) above ..


Ans (c)

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