Anicent History MCQ part 4

7 minute read

Anicent History MCQ part 4 301 - 400 page 54

301. Which of the following are essentially books of rituals?

(d) The Brahmanas

302. The concluding portions of the Brahmanas are called the

(d) Satpathas

303. What does the Yajur Veda contain?

(c) Hymns and rituals

304. The Mahajanapada that acquired prominence to become an empire was that of

(a) Magadha

305. Which of the following forms of land tenure denoted an entire village being donated to


(c) Brahmadeya

306. What did the Devadana type of a land tenure signify?

(c) Villages donated to the gods

307. Which of the following is not famous for temples marked by erotic sculptures?

(c) Halebid

308. What was the extent of Harsha's empire?

(d) A part of northern India

309. The Rigvedic Aryans were governed by a

(c) Monarchical government

310. The most Important cause of the downfall of the Gupta empire was/were

(d) Revolt and declaration of independence by principal chiefs

311. What is the present name of Dwara Samudra, the ancient capital of the Hoysalas?

(b) Halebid

312. In which century did the first movement against vedic ritualistic practices start?

(d) 600 BC

313. The Ajanta cave paintings mostly belong to the period of the

(d) Guptas

314. Which of the following rulers had reigned in the third century BC?

(b) Ashoka

315. Who was the founder of the Sankhya School of philosophy?

(d) Kapila

316. Which of the following is regarded by historians as a crucial stage In describing the

progress of civilization?

(c) Agriculture

317. Where in India have traces of megalithic culture predominantly been found?

(a) Southern India

318. Who is credited with having written the immortal classic treatise Raja Yoga Sutras

(Aphorisms on Meditation)?

(c) Patanjali

319. The earlier Buddhist sculptures had shied away from depicting the image of the

Buddha, except through such symbols as

(a) Footprints

(b) The Bodhi Tree

(c) Stupas

(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

320. Of the following dynasties, only the dynasty was not a patron of temple architecture?

(b) Yadava

321. Which of the following is not an important work of Kalidasa?

(c) Gita Govinda

322. Who was not among the scholars patronized by Kanishka?


(b) Birbal

323. Which of the following is not a category into which Ashoka's monuments may be


(c) Viharas

324. Which important industry show signs of having thrived in Lothal?

(b) Shipbuilding

325. The archaeologist to initially discover the Mohenjo-Daro site of the Indus Valley

Civilization was

(d) Rakhal Das Banerji

326. Which of the following Indus Valley sites is presently in Pakistan?

(b) Harappa

327. The Harappan site that had a dock is

(c) Lothal

328. Which one of the Chola Kings conquered Ceylon?

(d) Vijayalaya

329. Which of the following was not an Indus Valley site?

(a) Pataliputra

330. The Vedic deity Indra was the god of

(b) Rain and Thunder

331. The Atharva Veda does not discuss the ideal of

(d) Moksha

332. The institution of varna appeared in the

(a) Rigvedic period

333. The Aryans did not practise the craftsmanship of

(c) Jewellery

334. The only Veda to have been rendered musically is

(b) The Sama Veda

335. What is the first discourse that the Buddha had delivered at the Deer Park in Sarnath


(d) Dharmachakrapravartan

336. Name the ruler whose patronage had been enjoyed by Jainism.

(b) Kharavela

337. The famous Indo-Greek king to embrace Buddhism was

(c) Menander

338. To whom is the introduction of Buddhism into China traditionally attributed?

(d) Kashyapa Matanga

339. Name the ruler whose reign was a witness to both Vardhaman Mahavira and the

Buddha preaching their respective doctrines?

(b) Bimbisara


340. Where was Mahavira born?

(b) Vaishali

341. The oldest Jain scriptures are regarded to be the

(c) Twelve Angas

342. Who among the following rulers had embraced Jainism?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya

343. The original teachings of Mahavira are contained in the

(c) Purvas

344. Which of the following rulers did not enter the Buddhist Cold?

(b) Samudragupta

345. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period, women and Sudras speak

(c) Prakrit

346. According to tradition, a mighty king In India in the fourth century BC had been raised



to power by a Taxila brahmin, named

(a) Chanakya

347. Who had established the four Mathas or Monastic seats in the four corners of India?

(b) Shankaracharya

348. The term used to denote a group of families in the vedic society was

(b) Jana

349. The Svetambaras and Digambaras refer to two sects of

(d) Jainism

350. According to the Mimansa School of Philosophy, liberation is possible through

(c) Karma

351. The great Hindu law giver was

(a) Manu

352. During whose reign did Buddhism become the state religion?



(d) Ashoka

353. The correct chronological order of the four Buddhist councils held Is

(c) Rajagriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir or Jullandhar

354. The fourth Buddhist council had compiled an encyclopaedia of Buddhist philosophy,


(d) Mahavibhasha Sutra

355. Who had converted Kanishka to Buddhism?

(c) Asvaghosha

356. Buddhism was first propagated outside India In

(d) Ceylon

357. The language adopted for preaching In Mahayana Buddhism was

(c) Sanskrit

358. Who is said to have both been born and shed his body on the Vaishakha Purnima day?


(d) The Buddha

359. The Indus Valley civilisation was discovered in the year

(b) 1921

360. During the Gupta period, the village affairs were managed by the village headman

with the assistance of the

(c) Vishyapati

361. An important part of the eastern court during the Gupta period was

(b) Tamralipti

362. The Sunga dynasty had made ____ the official religion of their kingdom.

(d) Brahmanism

363. Most of the Hindu colonies in South East Asia had been found during the reign of the

(d) Cholas

364. The Saka era started from the year


(c) 78 AD

365. Which Gupta ruler had led a campaign to the south, besides being an accomplished

veena player?

(b) Samudragupta

366. Who among the following has been called the 'Napoleon of India'?

(a) Samudragupta

367. Ashoka's prime claim to greatness lay in

(b) The promotion of people's welfare by him

368. The achievements of Samudragupta have been chronicled in the

(d) Allahabad pillar inscription

369. The sage who is considered to have Aryanised southern India was

(c) Agastya

370. The Chola ruler who had subdued the Ganges and obtained the title 'Gangai Konda



Cholan' was

(b) Rajendra Chola I

371. The dynasty that excelled itself as a naval power was that of the

(c) Cholas

372. Which Chola ruler had conquered the northern part of Sri Lanka and made it a

province of his empire?

(d) Rajaraja Chola I

373. The ancient, medical treatise, Charaka Samhita is attributed to Charaka, who was a

contemporary of

(a) Kanishka

374. Who among the following are credited with having built the famous Ellora Caves?

(c) The Rashtrakutas

375. The caves and rock cut temples at Ellora pertain to

(a) Hinduism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Jainism

(d) All of the above



Ans: (d)

376. The cult of Krishna is primarily exhibited through the

(b) Rajasthani school of art

377. In which of the following caves have 28 new caves been further discovered?

(c) Elephanta Caves

378. The Pallava kings were the makers of the rock-cut temples at

(b) Mahabalipuram

379. The Cresco paintings of Ajanta caves illustrate the art of the

(a) Guptas

380. Which is the oldest Indian linguistic text?

(c) Ashtadhyayi

381. Which of the following is the oldest seat of learning?

(c) Taxila


382. The Shrimad Bhagvata Gita contains ______ chapters and ______Sanskrit slokas or


(c) 18,700

383. The Ramayana narrates events believed to have taken place in the ______ Yuga or


(d) Treta

384. Who among the following anticipated Newton by affirming that all things tended to

gravitate to the earth?

(b) Brahmagupta

385. In ancient India, Nalanda University represented a great centre for the study of

(a) Mahayana Buddhism

386. Who is the author of Kadambari, from among the following?

(d) Bana

387. Which sage or scholar had recast the original single Veda into four distinct Vedas?

(c) Vyasa

388. To whom did the term 'Macedonia's madaman' refer?

(a) Alexander

389. The bronze coins of Natraja or Dancing Shiva during the Chola period invariably

depicted the deity with _____ arms.

(b) Six

390. The two colossal images of the Buddha at Bamiyan are an instance of the _____ art?

(c) Gupta

391. Identify the temple, from among the Collowing, that was built by the Rashtrakutas?

(d) The Shiva Temple, Ellora

392. The earliest surviving extant, i.e. still standing, temples date from the ______ period?

(a) Gupta

393. Which of the following sets of books and authors has been incorrectly matched?


394. An elaborate system of municipal administration had been established by

(b) Chandragupta Maurya

395. During the period of Hiuen Tsang's visit, the city most famous for the production of

cotton cloth was

(c) Mathura

396. Foreigners were absorbed in a large number in the Indian society during the period?

(c) Mauryan

397. Of the following books and their respective fields, which of the combinations is


(a) Charaka Samhita - Architecture

398. The chief impact of vedic culture on Indian history has been

(d) The consolidation of the caste system

399. The original Buddhist religious texts had been written in

(c) Pali



400. The greatest Buddhist commentator of the Buddhist canonical literature has been

(b) Ashvaghosha

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