Mind teaser question, Mind Quiz paheli Brian Out Mind Blowing

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Mind teaser quiz in English

Become Genius 


If you are genius then solve.

Mind teaser.   See only if you are genius

Only for genius don't open foolish people

¹ 1 Question : What gets broken without
being held?

¹ Answer: A promise.

¹ 2 Question : What word describes a woman
who does not have all her fingers on one hand?

¹ Answer: Normally people have half of their
fingers on one hand. So she can be called a normal woman.

¹ 3 Question : What kind of tree can you
carry in your hand?

¹ Answer: A palm,

¹ 4 Question : Tom’s height is six feet,
he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he

¹ Answer: Meat.

¹ 5 Question : Which word in the dictionary
is spelled incorrectly?

¹ Answer: Incorrectly

¹ 6 Question : A girl who was just learning
to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn’t break
the law. How is that possible?

¹ Answer: She was walking.

¹ 7 Question : If you have me, you want to
share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?

¹ Answer: Secret

¹ 8 Question : Imagine you are in a dark
room. How do you get out?

¹ Answer: Just stop imagining!

¹ 9 Question : He has married many women,
but has never been married. Who is he?

¹ Answer: He’s a Preacher.

¹ Question : What invention lets you look
right through a wall?

¹ Answer: A window

¹ Question : What can you catch but not

¹ Answer: You said it, it’s cold.

¹ Question : What is at the end of a

¹ Answer: No, not clouds or the grounds. It
is the letter w.

¹ Question : Take off my skin – I won’t cry,
but you will! What am I?

¹ Answer: Onion

¹ Question : What is always coming but never

¹ Answer: It’s tomorrow. So better do it

¹ Question : What occurs once in every
minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? Answer: The
letter m.

¹ Question : Which is correct to say, “The
yolk of the egg is white” or “The yolk of the egg are white”? Answer: Neither
of them is correct. Egg yolks are usually yellow.

¹ Question : A man ate an egg each day. He
did not have any chickens at home. He never bought, borrowed or stole chicken
eggs. How is this possible?

¹ Answer: They were Goose and Ostrich eggs!

¹ Question : In Austria you cannot take a
picture of a man with a wooden leg. (Why not? Hit like below this post if you
said – “There’s no man with a wooden leg”. However,

¹ the answer is – you cannot take a picture
with a wooden leg, you need a camera or at least an iPhone.

¹ Question : Feed me and I live, yet give me
a drink and I die Who am I? .

¹ Answer: Fire

¹ Question : What kind of room has no doors
or windows?

¹ Answer: A mushroom.

¹ you are bus bus conductor The bus starts
from pune to sangli their are 29 passenger travelling 5 person are get down and
11 Person entered into bus  then in karad 15 person get down and only five
person entered into bus .At islampur 8 person get down but no passenger entered
into bus to travel upto sangli .Then what is the age of bus conductor?

¹ A son in law calls his father in law to
tell that next month he would come and he needs to give him the gold equivalent
to the dates on which he comes .say on 16th he should get 16th gms of gold

¹ The father in law goes to a goldsmith and
make 31 gold ring each to the dates of a month in gms

¹ However the goldsmith is clever and make 5
rong which satisfy the son in laws condition

¹ what did goldsmith do for satisfy

¹ ten pears hanging high ten men come
passing by .Each took a pear and left nine hanging there

¹ How is this possible

¹ Name all the numbers from 1 -100 which
have the letter 'A' in their spelling

¹ on which letter of the English alphabet we

¹ which letter of alphabet we drink

¹ how can you lift an elephant with one hand

¹ how many birthday s does the average
person have

¹ how much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet
deep 6 feet long and 9 feet wide

¹ if it took eight man ten hours to build a
wall , how long would it take four men to built it ?

¹ Answer

¹ .

¹ .

¹ .

¹ .

¹ .

¹ its your age because you are bus conductor

¹ one gms two gms four gms eight gms 16 gms

¹ each is the name of one of the men and
he's the only one who took a pear

¹ none  Not only A but b c d  also
.If you count Zero also there no a b c d I them only you ound hundred and

¹ c (sea)

¹ t (tea)

¹ it  is not a problem since you will
never find an elephant with one hand

¹ just one all the rest are anniversary

¹ none or it would not be a hole

¹ no time at all it is already built

¹ In 1990, a person is 15 year old . In 1995
that same person is 10 years old . How can this be?

¹ Two boxers are in a match schedule for 12
round .(Pure boxing only no kicking , UFC takedown , or anything else). One of
the boxers gets knocked out after  only six round , yet no man throws a
punch. How is this possible

¹ Put a coin into an empty bottle and insert
a cork into the neck . How can you remove the coin without removing the cock or
breaking the bottle?

¹ . What makes this number unique 8, 549,
176, 320?

¹ (15). What is unusual about the following
words: revive banana , grammar, voodoo, assess, potato , dresser , uneven?

¹ (16). What do these words have in common
:police, job, herb?

¹ (17). A man takes his car to a hotel .
Upon reaching the hotel . He is immediately declared bankrupt.  Why?

¹ (18). A sundial has the fewest moving
parts of any timepieces . Which has the most?

¹ (19) . A man stands on one side of a river
, his dog on the other . The man calls his dog , who immediately crosses the
river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog
do it?

¹ (20). Feed me and I live, yet give me a
drink and I die

¹ Answer

¹ . The person was born  born in 2005

¹ (12).  Both boxers are female

¹ (13). Push the cork down into the bottle .
Then shake the coin out.

¹ (14). It contains each number,  zero
through nine , in alphabetical ordar.

¹ (15). Take the first letter of each word
and place it at the end. It will spell the same word backwards.

¹ (16). All three words are pronounced
differenty when the first letter is capitalized.

¹ (17). The man is playing monopoly.
 He lands on a property with a hotel and doesn't have  enough money
to pay the rent.

¹ (18). An hourglass, with thousands of
grains of sand.

¹ (19). The river was frozen.

¹ (20). Fire.

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