GalaxyGK Galaxy General Knowledge top 130 Qustion on Space


GalaxyGK Galaxy General Knowledge

Knowledge Space Galaxy GK

m . How many Star's are in the milky way. ?

m Ans. More then 100 billion

m (2).  How much time does sun ray's
take to rech earth .?

m Ans. 8 minutes

m (3). What is the distance of kuiper belt
from sun ?

m Ans..  This is approximately 30 AU to
50 AU. (AU = Astronomical unit )

m (4). Which palanet is consider as the
second smallest palanet in the solar system. ?

m Ans. Mars

m (5) . What do you mean by INSAT ?

m Ans. Indian national satalite system .

m This is a series of ISRO for multipurpose
geostationary satalite launced

m (6) . What is full form of NASA ?

m Ans. National Aeronautics and space

m (7) Which is closest star to our Sun ?

m Ans . Red dwarf star Proxima Centauri .

m (8) . Which star is at the center of our solar
system .?

m Ans . Sun

m (9) . What percent of diameters of Sun ?

m Ans. 1392684 km

m (10) . When was sun born ?

m Ans . 4.6 billion year's ago

m (11) . What percent of the solor system 's
mass does sun holds ?

m Ans.  99.8 %

m (12) . What is distance between sun and
earth ?

m Ans.  149600000 km

m (13) Which Planet is nearest to earth ?

m Ans. Mercury

m (14) What is diameters of mercury  .

m Ans . 4879 km .

m (15).  What is diameters of Venus . ?

m Ans . 12104 km .

m (16) . What is diameters of mars . ?

m Ans. 6779 km

m (16 ) What is diameters od earth   .

m Ans . 12742 km

m (17) . What is diameters of Jupiter
 . ?

m Ans . 139822 km.

m (19) .  What is diameters of Uranus
 . ?

m Ans. 50724 km

m (20).  What is diameters of Saturn .

m Ans. 120536. Km

m (21)  What is diameters of Neptune .

m Ans. 49 244 km

m (22)  What is diameters of pluto . .?

m Ans . 2360 km

m (23) Which is the largest Planet in our
solar system    ?

m Ans . Jupiter .

m (24) Which star is at the  center of
our solar system    ?

m Ans. Sun

m (25) At how much speed moon moves across
the sun  ?

m Ans . 2250 km per hour ..

m (26) What is diameters of sun  

m Ans.  1392684 km

m (27) how long a solar eclipse can last

m Ans.  7 and half minutes

m (28)  When sun was born  

m Ans.  4.6 billion year ago

m (29) What is the Equatorial circumference
of earth     ?

m Ans  . 40030 km

m (30) Sun's chemical compositions  .?

m Ans.71 percent of hydrogen 26.5 percent of
helium and 2.5 percent of other elements

m (31) What is earth surface temperature

m Ans .  88 to 58 degree Celsius .

m (32) Which is nearest to the earth  

m Ans.   Mercury

m (33)  When was the earth formed

m Ans. Approximately 4.54 billion year ago .

m (34) Which stars is known as morning star
ar Evening star   ?

m Ans.  Venus

m (35) How many natural satellite of earth

m Ans.  One moon

m (36) Which planet has most moon   ?

m Ans. Jupiter 66 moon

m (37) How many notable satellites of mars

m Ans.  Phobos and Deimos .

m (38) Which planet 8s closets to the sun

m Ans  . Mercury

m (39) What planet has approximately the
same landmass as earth    ?

m Ans.  Mars .

m (40) Which is hottest planet in our solar
system  ?

m Ans . Venus

m (41)  What are the notables
satellites of Pluto   ?

m Ans.  Charon,  nix, Kerberos
Styx and hydra   .

m (42)  Which planet have rings around
them    ?

m Ans.  Saturn Jupiter, Uranus, and
Neptune .

m (43) When was the Pluto reclassified from
a planet to a dwarf Planet      ?

m Ans.  In 2006

m (44) Which is coldest and smallest planet
in all . ?

m Ans. Pluto

m (45) How many stars are there in Andromeda
 Galaxy . ?

m Ans .  1 trillions

m (46) which is called satellite of earth

m Ans. Moon

m (47) At which speed the Andromeda Galaxy
is approaching the milky way    ?

m Ans.  At approximately hundreds and
forty kilometers as per second  .

m (48)  What is average distance of
moon from earth   ?

m Ans.  384400 km

m (49) how old the universe  ?

m Ans . 13.8 billion year old  .

m (50) What is age of moon   ?

m Ans . 4527 billion year

m (51) Which is second largest moon in our
solar system  ?

m Ans. Titan ( saturn moon)

m (52) What is the orbital period of moon

m Ans .  27 days

m (53) What is alpha centauri BP  ?

m Ans.  This is Earth like planet
orbiting there own star name .  Alpha centauri B.

m (54)  What is circumference of moon

m Ans . 10 917 km

m (55) What is the solar wind  ?

m Ans . This is happen when sun release the
continuous flow of charge particals and which permeates the solar system .

m (56) Which planet has most volcanoes

m Ans.. Venus

m (57) What is full form of I.S.R.O.  

m Ans. Indian  Space Research
organization .

m (58)  Which planet do not have moons

m Ans . Mercury and Venus

m (59) How big the milky way Galaxy   ?

m Ans. 100000 largest year in diameters .

m (60) How much larger the sun in the earth

m Ans . 300000 .

m (61) Which planet is called as gas giant
planet in our solar system   ?

m Ans. Jupiter  .

m (62) When the Halley comet will be visible
from earth again   ?

m Ans    . 2061 after 72 year

m (63) What is black hole in space and why
it create  ?

m Ans. It happen when a star is dying its
gravity power is so strong at there and matter has been squeezed into a very
tiny space Light also squeezed .

m (64) What is the surface temperature if
Venus  ?

m Ans. Over 450 degree Celsius

m (65) Mostly which gas found of the planet
Jupiter  ?

m Ans. Hydrogen and helium .

m (66) When was the solar system formed

m Ans. Around 4.6 billion year ago

m (67) What is the radius of iur sun . ?

m Ans. About 695700 km.

m (68)  which planet spins backwards
relative to the other's

m Ans . Venus

m (69) How many moons have the Jupiter
Planet.  ?

m Ans.  53 named moon 14 unnamed moon
total is 67 moon .

m (70) When was the first man made objects
sent into space   ?

m Ans. 1957

m (71)  What is the proxima centauri

m Ans. This is red dwarf,  a small low
mass star and nearest known star to the sun .

m (72)  Name Jupiter's four biggest
moon   ?

m Ans . Europa, Ganymede, callisto and jo.

m (73) What is the name of Galilean moons .

m Ans. Io, Europa,  Ganymede,
 callisto . Moons of Jupiter .

m (74) Why do we have high and low tides

m Ans. Because sun and moon gravity

m (75) Mostly which gas is found in titan
moon of Saturn  ?

m Ans. Nitrogen .

m (76) Where is the edge of space located

m Ans. 100 km above see level

m (77) What is solar probe plus mission

m Ans. NASA solar probe plus mission is a
planet robotic spacecraft to a planet the outer corona of sun launch sadule for

m (78) What is an astronaut employed by the
Russian federal space agency called     ?

m Ans . Kosmonvat

m (79) what is the name of largest moon f
Saturn ..?

m Ans. Titan .

m (80)  Who was the first person to
reach space   ?

m Ans. Yuri Gagrin  in 1961  .

m (81) Which Planet of our solar system
takes only 88 earth days to completely orbit the sun  ?

m Ans. Mercury .

m (82) Who was the first  women to
reach space  ?

m Ans . Valena Tereshkova in 1963

m (83) What is the distance of Planet
mercury from the sun?

m Ans. 57.91 millions km.

m (84) Name the five recognized dwarf planet

m Ans.  Pluto   , ceres, eris,
 makemake and haumea

m (85) Which is the largest moon in our
solar system  ?

m Ans. Ganymede  moon of Jupiter Planet

m (86)  The moon orbits the earth every

m Ans 27.3 day .

m (87) Astronomical what found in between
the mars and Jupiter   ?

m Ans. Asteroid belt  .

m (88)who was the first person to set foit
in the moon   ?

m Ans.  Neil Armstrong.

m (89) What is distance of planet Venus from
the sun  ?

m Ans. 108.2 millions km.

m (90) What is the average temperature of
the moon  ?

m Ans.  107 degree Celsius during day
153 degree Celsius in night.

m (91) What do you mean by Spiral galaxy

m Ans. When gas clouds and whole stars are
concentrated mainly in one or more spiral arms is called as the spiral galaxy .

m (92) When does the lunar eclipse occur

m Ans . When the earth is between the moon
and sun .

m (93) What is the surface temperature of
moon  ?

m Ans. 253 degree f 123c to minus 243 F dark
side minus 153 c .

m (94) On the mars the martian atmosphere
maximum consist of which gas   ?

m Ans . Approximately 96 percent carbon
dioxide .

m (95)  Which galaxy is closest to our
galaxy .?

m Ans . Andromeda galaxy .

m (96)  what do you mean by Nebula

m Ans. Nebula is combined clouds of gas and
dust in outer space .

m (97) What is kuiper belt in our solar
system   ?

m Ans. In our solar system this is the
region beyond the orbital of Neptune and its contain many comets asteroid and
small ice bodies  .

m (98)  What is the age of Earth as
calculated  ?

m Ans . Age of earth is 4.543 billion years

m (99) What is the distance of Pluto from
the earth   ?

m Ans. 7.5 billion km.

m (100) What is surface temperature of sun .

m Ans. About 5777 Kelvin

m (101) How many moon have planet mars and
what are there name   ?

m Ans. There are two moons names as Phobos
and Deimos .

m (102) how many planet have no any natural
satellite . ?

m Ans. Planet Venus and mercury  have
no natural satellite.

m (103) Which planet have the great red spot

m Ans. Jupiter.

m (104)  What is the name of our galaxy

m Ans  . Milky way.

m (105) What is average distance of moon
from earth  ?

m Ans. 38400 km.

m (106) What is diameter of earth  ?

m Ans. 12735 km

m (107)  What is diameter of sun ?

m Ans. 1348446 km

m (108)  What is  diameteru of
 mercury  ?

m Ans. 4827 km

m (109)  What is diameter of
 Venus   ?

m Ans. 12872 km

m (110)  What is diameter of  mars

m Ans. 7014 km.

m (111)  What is  diameter of
  Jupiter     ?

m Ans. 142222

m (112) What is  diameter of
 Saturn    ?

m Ans . 114239 km

m (113) What is diameter of  Uranus

m Ans. 55498 km

m (114) What diameter of   Neptune

m Ans. 60740 km

m (115) What is diameter  of
 Pluto  ?

m Ans. 5873  km

m (116) How many natural satelite Jupiter
have  ?

m Ans . 12 satellite .

m (117) How many natural satelite Saturn
have  ?

m Ans. 10 satellite.

m (118) How many natural satelite Uranus
have  ?

m Ans. 5 satellite

m (119) How many natural satelite Neptune
have  ?

m Ans. 2 satellite

m (120) How many satelite mercury Venus and
Pluto have  ?

m Ans. 0 , 0 , unknown.

m (121) What is distance between sun and
mercury  ?

m Ans. 52.02 million km

m (122) What is distance between sun and
 Venus  ?

m Ans.  10.80 million km

m (123) What is distance between sun and
 earth   ?

m Ans.  14.88 million km

m (123) What is distance between sun and
mars  ?

m Ans . 22.68 million km

m (125) What is distance between sun and
Jupiter  ?

m Ans. 77.30 million km

m (126) What is distance between sun and
 Saturn   ?

m Ans . 138.53 million km.

m (127) What is distance between sun and
Uranus  ?

m Ans. 226.72 million km.

m (128) What is distance between sun and
Neptune    ?

m Ans..  449.07 million km.

m (129) When Marcos comets discovered  

m Ans. 2 August 1957. AD

m (130) What is mass of earth   ?

m Ans. 5.975 × 10 ^ 27 g

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